>>4378937 lb
check this out.
right after 911.
chi-town origin.
The Security Board is a consulting company that has been involved in an effort assisting both private/public institutions to identify and secure their critical infrastructures against an All Hazards environment.
In November of 2002, representatives of the White House and Homeland Security, (e.g. Richard Clarke/Former Chairman President’s Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee) met with members of The Security Board. On behalf of both the White House and Homeland Security, The Security Board was funded to identify infrastructure interdependencies for the Chicago financial community.
In March 2003 the infrastructure selected for initial analysis was telecommunications. The analysis concluded that the financial corporations, and all other corporations, were potentially vulnerable to single points of failure. Further, the assessment identified linkages between and among telecommunication infrastructures and multiple other infrastructures that could, in the event of a catastrophic fail over or disruption adversely impact the 13 most critical infrastructures identified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Mission Statement
The overall mission of The Security Board is to focus on and assist in ensuring that, in the event of an unanticipated interruption to corporate and governmental business operations due to terrorism, natural disaster or localized infrastructure interruption, that critical business operation, most probably dependant on computers and telecommunications can resume in a timely manner, supporting not only the individual organizations, but industry-wide and cross-industry relationships to ensure that national and local interests and security are safeguarded.
Press Releases
This is available only to members of The Security Board. (WTH?)