Anonymous ID: 286edb Dec. 19, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.4381832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2292 >>2324


She is a major contributor to the DemonRats.

This is what DemonRats would have done had they come to power - they WANT to do such layoffs even if there is no need for it. The given excuse is automation (they collude just like MSM have 3AM talking points). they will introduce the automation layer (self driving cars, your whole life digitised, even sex robots). They will keep increasing the prices, pay less cost (no human labor that will demand unions or medical bills - just robots) and have an even more powerful elitist layer.

They want you to be dependent to (((their handouts))) - so that you will always keep them in power. Like their tried and tested methodology done across all the other fringe minorities.


Today Women will think the left is on their side. This is just a marriage of convenience. They are using women and will even take away women's rights by creating automation toys (sex robots - there is no need for it, but they keep imposing it down our throats).