Keep going, Q! Continuous Q mode for a couple days!
Fucking right!
Fuck 'em up, President Trump!
Anything we can do to help? Doesn't seem like an MSN shit-bag is worthy of asking The Question.
Is this The Pen? "I've got a good one right here, Allen."
Coudl you hear me? Of course you, could. (I was about 0.5 seconds from laying that protester out.) Sorry for interrupting you, but I can't resist yelling. "MILITARY TRIBUNALS!"
I'll take the Victory.
You mentioned we were the second most attacked, behind only President Trump. That means we have power.
How can we more effectively use that power, in your opinion?
(purposely shitty)
Exactly. (Almost certain with me.)
If you help, we'll talk nice about you at your funeral after your Death Penalty.
And we won't sieze you and your family's assets rendering them homeless.