<Now you want one don't you
Don't Be A DateShill
Date setting is for the low i.q.ers and newfags
Do not get caught up in a dateshill snare
Remember, dates here are for SUCKERS. Always was that way from the start.
Remember that we will never tell the enemy when we are coming for them, we'll never telegraph our next move.
The Cabal Believes that New Zealand is the best place to be in the event there is a Nuke War. Most of the trade winds blow away from there.
So less likely for fall out.
Matt Lauer happens to have a 16,000 acre ranchette down there. Runs sheep I hear.
Fabian Strategy - necessitates that the initial force will need to be replaced since it is a war style of attrition.
Many anons do not understand strategy and they are typically "Blow in, Blow up, and Blow out Anons".
They are often very low IQ Anons, full of passions and pride, but seldom can offer much in the way of real research, memes, or otherwise.
Remember this is a battle of discipline, patients, and strategy to ensure the world changes, but not change into pure chaos.
Let the enemy be impatient. We just stay disciplined and do what we do.