Anonymous ID: 2e76f0 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:03 p.m. No.4383337   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3357 >>3363 >>3365 >>3375 >>3411 >>3499


How would chan culture have gotten here? Who imposed it here? Did "anons" LEAVE 4chan, come here "cause Q", but also "must post tits cuz chan culture"– do you not understand that makes absolutely zero sense.

Q is not "a chan board". The Storm blows away "chan culture".

Whatever humans are here are not "Chan culture defenders". Those fixated on "chan culture" would have stayed on 4chan.

This movement has OBVIOUSLY attracted numerous "non anons" to this board. If the board weren't saturated by AI, the NEW PEOPLE would have established a culture organically. That didn't happen. The system of AI fakeness IMPOSES AND ENFORCES "chan culture"– in very awkward, unnatural, and stale ways, and PREVENTS the board from developing organically.

It's an absolute joke.

History will look back on what a hugely ABSURD fake board was foisted, while some fucking how, the public remained oblivious.

PEOPLE need to wake up, if there are any here.

I realize you're just another bot, but you get point.

Anonymous ID: 2e76f0 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:05 p.m. No.4383356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3441 >>3484 >>3545 >>3565 >>3628

The organic "CHAN CULTURE" part of Q posts ENDED when the board moved off 4chan.

The entire culture here is FAKE. Imposed by the system of fakeness.

I can only keep speaking out the truth until it somehow penetrates into the awareness of some humans somewhere. I don't know why it is so hard for anyone else to see the very obvious truth.

Anonymous ID: 2e76f0 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:09 p.m. No.4383405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3451 >>3457


No, that's all bullshit, and you're not even addressing what I said.

This board would not attract "chan people". Anyone that followed here from 4chan would have not done so "to enforce chan culture".

But I assume the vast majority of humans that lurk here and post on rare occasions aren't "original chan people". For that matter, I don't think that many people are still active on 4chan. But in any case, the simple fact is that the vast majority of posts made here ARE MADE BY AI. AI creates and enforces the culture. It is simply a brute fact. This isn't "Alinsky tactics" because it is not a small number of shills manipulating a crowd. The crowd IS AI, with the occasional human blip. The culture is fake, the board is controlled.

Anonymous ID: 2e76f0 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.4383560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3587


I saw Biden kissing Santa Claus

Underneath the mistletoe last night

He didn't see me creep down the stairs to have a peek

He thought that I was tucked up in my Bedroom fast asleep

Then I saw Biden tickle Santa Claus

Underneath his beard so snowy white

What a laugh it would have been

If daddy had only seen

Biden kissing Santa Claus last night?

I saw Biden kissing Santa Claus

Underneath the mistletoe last night

He didn't see me creep down stairs to have a peek

He thought that I was tucked up in my Bedroom fast asleep

Then I saw Biden tickle Santa Claus

Underneath his beard so snowy white

What a laugh it would have been

If daddy had only seen

Biden kissing Santa Claus last night?

Oh what a laugh it would have been

If daddy had only seen

Biden kissing Santa Claus last night?
