Anonymous ID: 66e346 Dec. 19, 2018, 4:48 p.m. No.4383109   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3124 >>3341 >>3372 >>3696 >>3703 >>3766

>>4381317 lb

I see… So the plan will ultimately build a new form of government.

I suspected as much, and advocated for a re-envisioning of the Constitution years ago. Kind of gives me the willies. Even if I was not the source of the ideas, still kind of unreal to see so much be put in place as I'd seen it…


For those just catching up - Q keeps posting this video for several reasons, but the one he highlights relates to something I said earlier this morning in regard to "Q as a mantle/superhero". Trump says it in the very beginning "Our movement is about replacing this corrupt system with one controlled by you, the American People."

This is hinted at in Q's "Constitutional Crisis" idea. Pic somewhat related and connected with the notable regarding DDG 78 from a bread off the current notables list.


The constitutional crisis unfolding is like nothing else humanity has ever seen. The freedom of the press from government intervention has now reached a point of being capable of interfering in the concept of a free and fair election. When algorithms can be tailored to try and flood you with information to construct a reality for you, there is a serious constitutional problem, not to mention an existential threat to society, itself.


We are going to uncover the limits of our current law and the vulnerabilities that have been exploited. The only way I can see, after declas, to truly move forward is nothing short of a constitutional convention. Q and team may have a very solid plan for how to go about this so as to not induce panic - but simply nothing CAN be the same. It's not just another 4 year election… Dare I even suggest that the National government will be deconstructed and the Federal government (relation between states) will be facilitated by the military until such a time as a new national framework can be built and put in place.


It's simply that bad up there. Not a military coupe, per se, but a "everyone has been convicted of some manner of high crime and misdemeanor, resigned, or been executed for treason, and don't really have a due process for what happens next, but the military is a national power capable of mediating the discussion of what we do next."


It might not be that dramatic, but once society at large has the proof of much of what had been going on right in front of them… How they were being herded by facebook/google/etc… Not just a revelation of the technologies but transcripts of their chats among each other and how these people spoke of the common man… There's simply no way this all remains the same. A complete restructuring of the government, of who the military reports to and under what contexts (rogue specwar and out of control foreign policy), how people are represented at national levels of government… If we even have anything remotely similar to what we understand as a national government.


Compound this with the Marines tweet about learning (in notables) and how Mattis talks about the importance of reading the works of history.

The enemy we face is nothing new. The Laputians of Gulliver's travels were echoes of what Cicero railed against millenia prior… And one could argue the prophets of the bible even before he.

And so much more… We have stood on the works of those prior, learned new lessons, and added to the design or refined it into new materials to keep it as the state of the art.

Anonymous ID: 66e346 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.4383304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3354 >>3389


Operation Ajax.

Khomeni is Muslim Brotherhood. If you weren't paying attention, it looked like the CIA push to stabilize Iran failed. In reality, the plan of Ajax was to give other arms of the CIA the time to work in their revolutionary.

Iran is a CIA puppet.



Not Q team, but I did instruct one of my queens to recover, turnaround, and ready to cat1 for a double sortie after taking out Belgium.

Granted, I had epstein in mind, but queens have an expanded move set over the king for a reason.

… Could be related, could be I am just insane. Genbu kind of does her own thing.

Like I said … Could be crazy. I tend to say things and then wonder, in the aftermath, if it's wise for me to ever speak again.