Anonymous ID: 757aae Dec. 19, 2018, 5:39 p.m. No.4383843   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Stunning! Islamist Screaming “Allahu Akbar!” as He Attacked Cops with SWORD Found Not Guilty – Did Not Mean to Hurt Anyone


Uber driver Mohiussunnath Chowdhury was found not guilty of a terror charge after attacking police officers with a 42-inch Lord of the Rings-style sword outside Buckingham Palace.


Chowdhury was captured with a samurai sword outside Buckingham Palace said the Queen was the enemy “that Allah tells us to fight.”


He was screaming “Allahu akbar” during the attack.


On Wednesday Mohiussunnath Chowdhury was acquitted. He said he didn’t mean to hurt anyone.


He was drawing Islamist attack imagery while sitting in jail.


Mail Online reported:


A man who attacked police with a sword outside Buckingham Palace while repeatedly screaming Allahu Akbar has been found not guilty of preparing acts of terrorism.


Mohiussunnath Chowdhury, 27, told jurors his claims to support ISIS were ‘in jest’ and his attack was because he was ‘depressed’ and ‘wanted police to kill him’.


They unanimously acquitted the Uber driver, who lashed out at three officers on August 25 last year.


One of the officers said he had ‘fought for his life’ in the terrifying incident but a jury had failed to reach a verdict in June this year.


After that trial collapsed, Chowdhury was held at Belmarsh Prison – where he passed the time sketching pictures of an Islamist terrorist gunning down a man outside Number 10.


His latest trial was shown the drawing – in which the attacker is depicted shouting Allahu Akbar as blood sprays on the front door – along with a sketch of a plane hitting the Twin Towers in New York.


Prosecutors at this trial said Chowdhury had chosen ‘self-radicalisation’ and had scoured the internet for articles linked to Jihadi John and ISIS beheadings.


Today Chowdhury, of Luton, Bedfordshire, bit his lip, raised his eyebrows and then saluted the jurors after they spent 11 hours and 36 minutes considering the verdict.

Anonymous ID: 757aae Dec. 19, 2018, 5:41 p.m. No.4383873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Media’s hyping of Russia threat a ‘grotesque absurdity’ – John Pilger on RT’s Going Underground


Investigative journalist John Pilger has called out the “grotesque absurdity” of those in the Western media who hype the so-called threats from Russia and China to Cold War levels, in an interview with RT’s Going Underground.


Pilger told RT’s Afshin Rattansi that he finds it “difficult to believe” how some journalists “should go along, should allow themselves to be indulged by the British government at a time when there is a litany of lies about Russia, about China — about so many issues that endanger us.”


“I've never known such a grotesque absurdity as the elevation of Russia and China and the perceived enemies to the kind of Cold War status they had when I was a child,” he said.


Pilger also discussed the growing scandal around the UK government-funded Integrity Initiative which had posed as a charity fighting disinformation, but had been conducting secret influence campaigns across Europe and working hand-in-glove with selected journalists to maintain high levels of anti-Russian sentiment within the mainstream media.


The full interview with Pilger will air on Saturday on RT.

Anonymous ID: 757aae Dec. 19, 2018, 5:47 p.m. No.4383964   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Is Google purposefully breaking Microsoft, Apple browsers on its websites? Some insiders are confident it is


Google's doing to Microsoft what Microsoft did to everyone in the 1990s… allegedly, cough


Analysis In what can only be described as painfully ironic, Microsoft engineers are seemingly convinced that Google is making changes to its websites in order to break rival browsers.


Someone claiming to have worked to Microsoft's Edge team has alleged that Redmond ditched its own browser engine, EdgeHTML, in favor of Google's Chromium was mainly because "Google kept making changes to its sites that broke other browsers, and we couldn't keep up."


The netizen, Joshua Bakita, gave as "just one example" the appearance of a seemingly useless empty HTML div tag in YouTube videos that had the effect of slowing down the Edge browser. According to the intern, that tag caused "our hardware acceleration fast-path to bail" with the result that the browser's speed advantage over Google's Chrome disappeared.


He also claimed that shortly after the appearance of the div tag, Google "started advertising Chrome's dominance over Edge on video-watching battery life" before concluding: "What makes it so sad, is that their claimed dominance was not due to ingenious optimization work by Chrome, but due to a failure of YouTube. On the whole, they only made the web slower."


If true, the deliberate slowdown of a rival browser would be especially ironic given Microsoft's role in the "browser wars" in the late 1990s, when the software giant used its market dominance to repeatedly screw over main browser rival Netscape Navigator.


Microsoft used its control of pretty much everyone's desktop operating system, Windows, to force its Internet Explorer browser onto everyone's PC, and then, once it had become a big player in the browser market, persistently chose to implement different standards.


That resulted in website designers tailoring their websites for Internet Explorer and in many cases, users were obliged to use Explorer to see a website properly ('best viewed in Netscape' or 'best viewed in Internet Explorer' warnings were common).

Anonymous ID: 757aae Dec. 19, 2018, 5:49 p.m. No.4384000   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4164

‘We Are the Product’: Facebook Sold Your Data Then Lied to You About It


A damning report by the New York Times Tuesday found that, despite its claims to the contrary, Facebook has been making money by giving other companies much more access to its 2.2 billion users’ data than it let on.


Facebook founder, chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg told Congress in April, "We don't sell data to anyone," but Radio Sputnik's Loud and Clear spoke with web developer and technologist Chris Garaffa, who said that was simply "a legal workaround to the fact that what they sell is access to data."


The deals hammered out between Facebook and other Silicon Valley companies beginning in 2010 gave partners access to far more data than Cambridge Analytica, even after 2014, which is when Facebook said its privacy policy had changed, denying companies the kind of access Cambridge Analytica had used to accumulate information on 87 million people, the vast majority of whom were third-party users who were never even given a chance to consent to the disclosures.


In turn, those companies sold that information to advertisers, and Facebook expanded ads on the social network at the same time as it was undergoing a massive expansion in user numbers.


In other words, Facebook sold your personal information, made a ton of money and lied to you about the whole affair.


Facebook maintains that the data sharing doesn't violate its 2011 agreement with the Federal Trade Commission about user consent, claiming an exemption, but the FTC has so far not spoken on whether or not it agrees.

Anonymous ID: 757aae Dec. 19, 2018, 6:07 p.m. No.4384266   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guilliani said how can the Flynn judge rule in the matter after wrongfully showing bias against the defendant by calling him a traitor then having to walk it back???

Anonymous ID: 757aae Dec. 19, 2018, 6:12 p.m. No.4384344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4466 >>4557

Off the Frontlines, Veterans Find Purpose in Defending a Remote Arizona Border


In an area where Mexican cartels reign supreme, volunteers track rampant drug and human trafficking through an open border


ARIVACA, Arizona—The guys stand around a camp stove in the driveway, frying a carton of egg whites in an inch of bubbling bacon fat. It’s a chilly Arizona morning, and they’re preparing to head into the mountains along the U.S.–Mexico border to track drug trafficking and human smuggling.


They’re civilians who volunteer for Arizona Border Recon (AZBR), a nonprofit founded by veteran Tim Foley with a mission to gather intelligence about illicit activity on and around a remote area of the border.


It’s rare they encounter people, but footage from AZBR’s hidden trail cameras is eye-opening—groups of 8 to 10 people crossing the border—a simple barbed-wire fence—in camo gear, humping backpacks, and trekking purposefully northwards, deeper into the United States, in carpet shoes to hide their tracks.


In an average two-week period, Foley said, one camera on one of the hundreds of branching trails picked up 400 illegal aliens and 100 drug mules—all led by “coyotes,” or smugglers. Cartel scouts sit on the mountaintops on both the Mexican and U.S. sides, as if they are air-traffic controllers, ensuring safe passage through.


“There’s no women and children coming through here,” Foley said. The harsh terrain doesn’t attract asylum-seekers, who prefer to hand themselves in to Border Patrol after crossing.



Anonymous ID: 757aae Dec. 19, 2018, 6:18 p.m. No.4384465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“It’s Bullschiff!” – Roger Stone Responds to Latest Media Attack, “It’s Adam Schiff’s Wet Dream”


The liberal media continued their attacks on conservative author and Trump adviser Roger Stone. The Democrat-media complex is hoping Roger Stone will be the missing link between Trump and Russia in their ongoing collusion conspiracy. This is despite all of the evidence to the contrary.

On Wednesday news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller asked the House Intelligence Committee on Friday to turn over the official transcript of Roger Stone’s testimony.


MSN reported:


Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III asked the House Intelligence Committee on Friday for an official transcript of Trump adviser Roger Stone’s testimony, according to people familiar with the request, a sign that prosecutors could be moving to charge him with a crime.


It is the first time Mueller has formally asked the committee to turn over material the panel has gathered in its investigation of Russian interference of the 2016 campaign, according to the people.


The move suggests that the special counsel is moving to finalize his months-long investigation of Stone — a key part of Mueller’s inquiry into whether anyone in President Trump’s orbit coordinated with the Russians.


On Wednesday we reached out to Roger Stone for comment.


The political consultant told The Gateway Pundit, “This is Adam Schiff’s wet dream.”


Roger Stone continued, “Where is the Russian Collusion? Where is the Wikileaks collaboration? Where is the proof or evidence that I received allegedly hacked or allegedly stolen emails from Wikileaks or Julian Assange or anyone else and passed them on to Donald Trump or the Trump campaign or anyone else? Oh they don’t have them?

So this is devolved into semantical word games, partisan hair splitting and non material perjury. My testimony is entirely accurate and truthful.”


“It’s bullschiff!”


You can quote me as calling it’ Adam Schiff’s wet dream”. Where is the RussIan Collusion? Where is the Wikileaks collaboration? Where is the proof or evidence that I received allegedly hacked or allegedly stolen emails from Wikileaks or Julian Assange or anyone else and passed them on to Donald Trump or the Trump campaign or anyone else? Oh they don’t have them?

So this is devolved into semantical word games, partisan hair splitting and non material perjury. My testimony is entirely accurate and truthful.


It’s bullschiff !