Anonymous ID: b77ac7 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:44 p.m. No.4383921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4062 >>4272 >>4466 >>4557

A Deeper Digg on NBC Article from Q Posts 2626, 2627: Flynn hearing leaves the far right's conspiracy theorists wanting


Q cited this article by Ben Collins as yet another example of how the MSM put outs deliberately distorted coverage on Q community. In this case, it says we missed the mark when predicting the outcome of the Michael Flynn sentencing hearing and that the movement is "falling apart" as a result. Let's take a closer look below.


"A year-old conspiracy theory simmering in both far-right message boards and mainstream conservative publications that predicted former national security advisor Michael Flynn would be exonerated fell apart on Tuesday at his sentencing hearing, leaving believers perplexed."


Next, we are treated to the expert opinion of Travis View, a "conspiracy theory researcher":


“The idea that Flynn holds a lot of secrets about the deep state and won't face serious consequences is important to the Qanon community. They’ve been banking on Sullivan throwing out the charges."


"The theory began back in February, with a series of articles on conservative news websites lauding [Judge] Sullivan as a “government misconduct expert” who may be looking to get Flynn to change his plea."


The Daily Caller, Washington Examiner and National Review are said to be the source of the conspiracy theory:


''"From there, far-right message boards and members of the Qanon conspiracy community have been “banking on Sullivan throwing out the charges…This is actually one of those instances in which the conspiracy theory was sparked by respectable conservative publications, and then spread downward into the fever swamps…This is different from how conspiracy theories typically spread, in which fringe forums develop a theory, and it spreads to mainstream social networks like Twitter, and then to fringe publications.”


In the last paragraph, the author reveals that believers in Qanon, the repeatedly debunked conspiracy theory that Mueller and Trump are secretly working together to take down a global pedophile ring run by Democrats and many celebrities, also grew agitated at Sullivan’s inability to adhere to their prophecy.




Comment: Hey, NBC–ever consider actually ASKING anons from Q movement to ask how we're doing these days? No, you'd rather ask some "expert" on conspiracy theories!! Article should be "for KEKS."


One question remains: Who is Travis View and why should anybody believe anything he says?


According to WaPo, Travis View is a marketer, writer, and conspiracy theory researcher. He wrote a Sept 18 hit piece on Q movement for them: "How conspiracy theories spread from the Internet’s darkest corners"


He also wrote a hit piece for Medium about the same time: Who Is Really Behind The Bonkers QAnon Conspiracy Theory?


A tweet of his appeared in an earlier article in The New Republic: "People lining up for the Trump rally in Tampa today. A lot of the chan anons might treat Q-Anon like a LARP, but by all appearances there are plenty of people who take it seriously irl."


DIGG on this guy???

Anonymous ID: b77ac7 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:51 p.m. No.4384032   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What is the perspective of this writer? Whenever I read about "fake news," it's hard to tell whether it's "real" fake news (eg, MSM) or "fake" fake news (alternative media like us). Kinda funny, isn't it?

Anonymous ID: b77ac7 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:54 p.m. No.4384065   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But winter solstice also a propitious time for intuitive attunement (with a full moon). Bad actors who know the cycles just use them to their advantage. Doesn't mean they are "bad" days, just days when a lot can happen.

Anonymous ID: b77ac7 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:10 p.m. No.4384303   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4471 >>4485



You might be interested in this….


"This video will get Donald Trump elected" & The Clinton Foundation: Analysis


Q has told us in 11 Posts made in 2018 to watch this video–big pickup since AUGUST:

#24#2494 11/20, #2406 11/4, #2352 10/5, #2096 9/5, #1958 8/28, #1941 8/28, #1883 8/15, #1646 6/18, #1332 5/10, #837 5/4, #602 1/24'

Same pattern with the 8 Posts about the Clinton Foundation–big pickup since AUGUST:

'#2552 12/5, #2549 12/5, #2514 11/30, #2506 11/30, #1830 8/9, #1336 5/10, #1220 4/21'

The focus is now narrowing to one single point:

The Clinton Foundation.


'1. Why this campaign matters (last chance to save America)'

'2. Clinton Machine (at the heart of the global power structure)'

'3. We can do this together (I will lead, but only the people can take back power)'

Part I: Why We Fight

0 "Our movement is about replacing a…corrupt political establishment."

38 "Our campaign represents a true existential threat."

53 "This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization."

106 "The political establishment":

bad deals/illegal migration/bad economic policies

[shot of Bill Clinton signing some document]

153 "This is a struggle is for survival of the nation;

and this will be our last chance to save it…"

[shots of HRC at 2:10]

225 "Our system is rigged. You know it and I know it…"

Part II: Clintons at the Core

219 "The Clinton Machine is at the center of this power structure…"

[repeated shots of HRC]

244 "Honestly, she should be locked up."[HIGH POINT OF SPEECH]

248 "The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons is the corporate media…."

325 "They will lie, lie, lie; and then again, they will do worse."

"They will do 'whatever is necessary."

332 "The Clintons are criminals, remember that…this is well-documented…"

353 "The establishment that protects them has engaged in a massive cover-up."

Part III: We will do this together

405 "Nevertheless, I take all these slings & arrows for you."

415 "I knew this day would arrive; it was only a question of when."

428 "The only thing that can stop this corrupt machine is YOU."

441 "This is our 'moment of reckoning.'"

450 "I didn't need to do this."

"I'm doing it because this country has given me so much…"

525 "We will take back this country for you. We will make America great again."

Anonymous ID: b77ac7 Dec. 19, 2018, 6:16 p.m. No.4384430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4468


Also: when we critique someone, there's a right and wrong way to do it. If I have actual evidence that there is wrongdoing, I can cite it using logic, etc. Whenever anyone just shits on another person with no evidence cited, they'll get that kind of response from me.