Anonymous ID: d03782 Dec. 19, 2018, 5:42 p.m. No.4383896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4107

Hi Q!


I had a vision earlier (3:30-3:45pm ET)


Wanted to share the warning.


I saw the Chineese doing what seemed to be like training exercises in the pacific, mostly planes in the beginning. I then saw stealth bombers, many of them flying all flying in 1 direction at different altitudes and all went unoticed from new steallth technologies. They dropped heavy bombs and made a lot of damages (note i did not see any emp bombs as all hit their targets on the ground).


I then saw the fighter jets mentionned earlier, flew in after the bombers and created a lot of havoc pretty far inland.


Then saw tanks vs tanks on american soil.


Then i saw many drowning from cities falling into the sea.


Was told (in my vision) they must not let these training exercises in the pacific continue, and must keep a watch on all flight deck for the bombers to avoid this (not sure how impression felt was needed visual to spot them).


Then saw activity in the fault lines under water, but couldnt make out what was happening there, The light emanating from there was very bright, could only make it to the edge of it, could not look inside.


Was also told Russia was not involved and had no forwarning.


Then missiles were hitting tall buildings and they were all crumbling againt one another.


Vision stopped, end of that vision!


Ive had visions for a long time, and my "déja vues" are not merely seconds but 10-15 mins in durations if not longuer.


Just thought id share, Im not usually a concernfag, but this one rocked me to my core.


Be Blessed and may God keep every single one of you's in the shadows of His wings!