How Shall We Play a Game?
>Abstract—Automated techniques and tools for finding, exploiting
and patching vulnerabilities are maturing. In order
to achieve an end goal such as winning a cyber-battle, these
techniques and tools must be wielded strategically. Currently,
strategy development in cyber – even with automated tools –
is done manually, and is a bottleneck in practice. In this paper,
we apply game theory toward the augmentation of the human
decision-making process.
Our work makes two novel contributions. First, previous work
is limited by strong assumptions regarding the number of actors,
actions, and choices in cyber-warfare. We develop a novel model
of cyber-warfare that is more comprehensive than previous work,
removing these limitations in the process. Second, we present an
algorithm for calculating the optimal strategy of the players in
our model. We show that our model is capable of finding better
solutions than previous work within seconds, making computertime
strategic reasoning a reality. We also provide new insights,
compared to previous models, on the impact of optimal strategies.