Why did Q use the term "on stage"?
Why not "out front", or "on deck" etc.?
Who is usually "on stage"?
Why did Q use the term "on stage"?
Why not "out front", or "on deck" etc.?
Who is usually "on stage"?
>>4384660 (pb)
Some thoughts / ?s on Lindsey Graham's flip flopping.
He's all over the place vis-a-vis Trump as we have seen.
Is it a sure thing that he'll be Judicial Committee Chair?
Or does he "need the votes"?
Maybe he has to distance himself from Trump policy to maintain appearance of neutrality (re: not a trump lap dog)?
This recent letter is meaningless and has no bearing on POTUS decision, so no harm, no foul. Same on his Kashoggi stance.
Did Sheila Jackson Lee find the perfect fall guy?