FFS, no real gun owner or 2A advocate gives a shit about bump stocks. It’s a novelty item. And take up a NJ law with NJ, has nothing to do with POTUS. Limiting magazine capacity is an issue, bump stocks are not.
Fuck that shit. Bump stocks are not a slippery slope. You’re a moran, and you spelled it wrong. Really, bump stocks and fucking men in a women’s restroom is a slippery slope analogy? Gtfo.
And, bump stocks have been around for a long time, just not in a mass produced fashion. Homemade ones are very simple and again, they’re novelties.
Project much? You’re clearly an idiot and a member of the left. I’d fight Trump with everything if he signed a bill limiting capacities, bump stocks are worthless.
What guns do you own, name them, go.