Anonymous ID: 763bd5 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:10 p.m. No.4386911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7150 >>7309 >>7520 >>7603

This guy is cabal and has a long sordid history


Brazil Prosecutor Files Graft Charges Against Outgoing President Temer - Reports


Brazil’s Prosecutor General Raquel Dodge brought charges against the country’s outgoing President, Michel Temer, as part of an investigation into corruption and money laundering related to Brazil’s port concessions, local media reported.


Apart from Temer, the Brazilian top prosecutor brought charges against five other people, according to the Globo news outlet. The prosecutors said they should compensate the damage by paying 32.6 million reals to the authorities.


The top prosecutor suggested that charges filed against Temer should be considered by the federal supreme court.


Prosecutors suspect Temer, who is to leave office on January 1, of having signed a decree to the benefit of Rodrimar SA transportation company. In October, Brazil’s police suggested the president might have received bribes worth around 5.9 million from ports ($1.5 million) from port companies between 2000 and 2014.


The police also suspect Temer of receiving additional 17 million reals from port companies for his political activities during this period.


Temer has been under investigation since early 2018 when the law enforcement began looking into his ties with Rodrimar SA and the notorious construction company Odebrecht.


The president enjoys an immunity which will be lifted after President-elect Jair Bolsonaro takes office in early next year. Under the Brazilian law, the parliament has to vote on revoking the presidential immunity, which has provoked fears that the lawmakers would not have enough time for the vote this year.

Anonymous ID: 763bd5 Dec. 19, 2018, 9:13 p.m. No.4386937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7153 >>7335 >>7489

Our politics are BROKEN says Paul Ryan as he quits as Speaker with veiled attack on Trump (and plenty of praise for himself)


Speaker Paul Ryan gave his final address on Wednesday

He bemoaned the 'broken' state of politics in a speech that both touted his achievements and got in a few swaps at President Donald Trump

'Our problems are solvable if our politics will allow it,' he said

Ryan leaves a Congress struggling to do its basic functions

Democrats take control of the House in January


Speaker Paul Ryan bemoaned the 'broken' state of American politics in his farewell address on Wednesday that both touted his achievements in office and got in a few swaps at the current political climate under President Donald Trump.


Ryan, 48, decided to retire at the end of the year after 20 years in the House of Representatives and three years as speaker.


His final speech came as Democrats prepare to take control of the lower chamber in Congress in January.


He spoke in the Library of Congress, which sits across the street from the U.S. Capitol building, in the ornate Great Room of the Thomas Jefferson Building with huge American flags hanging at either side.


The drivers of our broken politics are more obvious than the solutions,' Ryan said.


'Our complex problems are solvable,' he added. 'That is to say, our problems are solvable if our politics will allow it.'


Ryan was a reluctant speaker who took the job after John Boehner retired in 2015 and House Republicans came close to tearing themselves apart over who would lead them next.


He led his conference through the final years of Barack Obama's time in the Oval Office; the contentious 2016 presidential primary and general election; and the first, turbulent years of Trump's presidency.


He was Mitt Romney's running mate in 2012 and, after that failed attempt at the White House, returned to Capitol Hill to lead the quiet life of a lawmaker he led before being thrust in the national spotlight: walking by himself (instead of a cadre of aides surrounding him) to votes, often times with headphones on, and standing in line in the cafeteria to buy his lunch.

