Joe M, @StormIsUponUs, is now back on Twitter. Here is what Joe said about being banned.
1) The Church of Satan was set up to present a harmless facade to the very real and deeply sinister religion of Luciferianism. Even if the Church itself is benign, it performs the function of deflecting attention from Satanic Ritual Abuse prevalent in power structures.
2) They claim they invented "satanism", which they define merely as the curious observance of atheism and science. They are a registered religion. Now when you call out the real practice of Satanic Ritual Abuse, they have grounds to cry infringement of their religious freedoms.
3) Today I was banned on Twitter by conflating this so-called "innocent and peaceful religion" with the ritualistic murder of babies, a massive epidemic of which has infested every level of power, and of which they are very well aware.
4) Point is, even if the Church of Satan conducts itself exactly as portrayed, which may very well be, it is clear to me that their existence was carefully coordinated as a now well understood Deep State tactic to insulate REAL child sacrificial rituals from attack and exposure.
5) I could be banned for this, and if I am you will know two things. One, I am right and two, [they] know it. -END