Guess we better hurry up and find the thugs who committed cold-blooded murder of a convenience store clerk. This one has folks talking about oak trees on the town square, if you get my meaning.
Don't conflate the desire for justice being served, with vengeance. This same Bible also makes it clear that the sword is put into the hands of rulers in order to execute God's wrath against the ungodly. And that's in the NT.
The Bible makes it clear that Damascus will be utterly destroyed, to the point where no one will ever live there again. Sounds like radioactive contamination to me.
Sorry, but He is God, not you and definitely, not me. He wrote the rule book, as this is His creation. To think you are going to challenge Him on the day you appear before the throne of judgement, is utter lunacy. He is God of the universe, creator of all that exists. No man can challenge Him and win. Utter foolishness.
From one who has BTDT, Semper Fi!, brother!!