>Why does the FAKE NEWS media continually attack a (as they say) so-called 'only a conspiracy' 'nothing to see here' 'lonely guy behind a keyboard' movement?
>The largest media co's in the world giving so much attention…. WASH POST leading the attack?
Look at the balls on this scam artist, the mainstream media ia giving attention to this fucking LARP because it's designed to be mocked as a LARP because it's a PSYOP FUCKING LARP
Q hasn't done a fucking thing, nothing, revealed ZERO and really, how many posts now has Q made SUCKING HIS OWN DICK ? Tonnes. And there it is again. No one gives a fuck if the Washington Post writes a story about you Q anon, especially if it doesn't expose you properly, exactly how you never exposed Alex Jones properly and why you let faggots like Jordan Sayther make you look like a fucking nutjob when he goes around saying he definitely knows how to cure cancer and stuff like that. There may be some truth to what he's saying but he's still a fucking idiot to bring that shit into it and you know it.
Just stop fucking LARPING you cock sucker.