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Democrats to hold at least a dozen presidential primary debates
December 20, 2018 | 1:54pm
The Democratic National Committee — which was accused of rigging the 2016 primary election for establishment favorite Hillary Clinton — announced Thursday that it will host a dozen primary debates starting that could be open to as many as 20 candidates.
To accommodate what is expected to be a large field of White House wannabes, DNC chair Tom Perez said the party’s first two debates in June and July could be held on multiple nights to accommodate all the candidates.
The line-up each night would be determined at random.
“To win back the presidency in 2020, Democrats must lead with our values. That began with the historic reforms to expand and increase trust in our party, and will continue by conducting party business fairly, transparently, and inclusively throughout the 2020 primary process,” Perez said.
Perez said his goal is to give “the grass-roots a bigger voice than ever before” and to allow candidates to reach as many potential voters as possible.
“That is how we will put our nominee in the strongest position possible to defeat Donald Trump, and how we will help elect Democrats up and down the ballot,” he said.
Of the 12 debates, six will be held in 2019 and six in 2020.
The showdowns in 2020 will be held in early-voting states such as Iowa and New Hamsphire.
While vowing to be inclusive, the DNC acknowledged judgments will have to be made on the viability of the candidates.
“Candidates will qualify for the first two debates by meeting criteria that include both polling and other objectives that reflect a candidate’s support, such as grass-roots fund-raising,” the DNC said in outlining its plan.
The precise criteria for the first two debates will be announced next month.
Supporters of Bernie Sanders charged the DNC went out of its way to help Clinton, his primary rival in 2016, by scheduling debates at times that were favorable to her.
There were also accusations that Clinton got some questions in advance.