Let us continue, please. I Am Sananda and I come in the full Light of our Father.
Conflict lies ever to the surface of man, it is a part of his very being. Man has forgotten the inner peace that comes with full knowledge of your connection with God…the impact of your daily lives is ever upon thee, constant bombardment, motion, activity, noise. It is rare indeed today that man will slow of himself long enough to even attempt to hear that inner voice that cries from within him to make that connection that has long been lost and forgotten. Man must come back into memory.
And when that small spark of memory springs forth, then the journey homeward may begin. Then the realization of the lie is possible. For man has become so enamored with the lie that he knows not the truth that is before him in full radiance. Yea, man himself seems to fear the very light which is the source of his being.
Please do not misunderstand what I tell thee. I use man to mean men and women, it is not sexist, it is a generic term, please. Man has become so comfortable with the darkness that he confuses the life in the cave for spirituality, when in fact returning to God is a journey out of the cave and into the full light of day.
Oh the wondrous journey before man if he will but awaken in time to change the marching masses. For it is thy own destruction that lies, yea, at thy very doorstep if ye do not take up responsible action. Do I speak of revolution? I speak of revolution of the spirit, revolution of the spirit that will move man to act so responsibly that it will preserve the very Republican form of government guaranteed by your Constitution. Do not let this be put aside…your very lives and future are on the bargaining table. Hear me, I implore you!
I Am Sananda
Will you awaken in time?