Anonymous ID: b0f42f Dec. 20, 2018, 4:45 p.m. No.4399586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looks like these fuckers really have a thing for tunnels as well as their "in your face" symbolism.

Ceremony Reveals the Aesthetic of Statism

"Let that sink in for a moment. Angela Merkel and other heads of state give a standing ovation to a ceremony in which actual miners' deaths are commemorated as necessary sacrifices for the completion of their grand public works project. You know, like little pharaohs."

A friend recently sent me a video to the Gotthard Tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland that took place on June 1, 2016. The world's largest tunnel, it took 17 years to complete and promises a new era of state-managed European and global connectedness. As such, European heads of state such as France's Hollande, and Germany's Merkel as well as cronies of capital and finance were on hand to take the virgin tunnel voyage and celebrate its completion.



Instead, I see the ceremony as a great opportunity to shed light on the aesthetic of statism.


Life Sacrifice for the Collective


The ceremony comprised of two parts at two locations bookending the tunnel. What is immediately striking is the disrespectful portrayal of the miners as zombie-like peons prone to frenzy and rhythmic obedience. These miners end up stripping and dancing with pagan animal and bush spirits, eventually engaging in mindless simulated orgies. There are various symbols of Swiss national pride woven throughout the production, but the focus is clearly on the miners and doll-like citizens' interactions with pagan gods and priests.


Eventually, a goat demon, resembling the ancient Baphomet idol, emerges from the tunnel and proceeds to mock a carried lamb, a symbol of Christ. The play graphically depicts miners dying as sacrifices to the goat demon. The goat demon ends up mounting and mating with the spirits of the dead miners as well as receiving their worship. The goat is robed in white, dies, and resurrects as a red cloaked woman giving birth to empty-faced dancing dolls.


Here's the thing. Nine miners actually died during the construction of this …

Full Bizarre, Demonic Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony, Satanic, New World Order, Illuminati Ritual