Why am I being stooged again by Q?
Fucking over this - Am doing all I can to help, but feeling like a fool here.
12am USEST POTUS dual tweets with very obvious D5/5:5 references. Straight after Q+ drops D-Day reference.
So I post what I see .. hit 405 (D5) post count late in the thread. Repost in new thread, hit 509 this time (delta = 4) so theres 45 again. TRUST ME AM NOT LUCKY IN LIFE SO NOT RANDOM LUCK HERE. Truth in synchronicity.
Later 6am POTUS tweets are screaming 9/11, 11/11 in my local timezone - so I repost what I found again - hit 789 post count this time. Synchronicity again, huh ?
And then nothing .. not even one response here.
You know that dream when youre screaming to someone to watch out for something thats coming .. and noone can hear you. That was me last night.
So Q well done .. u have made a broken man feel even less useless than I did before. So thanks for that.
The sad thing is I know I will be back decoding again after I lick my wounds, cause I know its the right thing to do - I want to play my part in this fight, even if the US isnt my home - this is as much about MEGA (Making Earth Great Again) as MAGA.
I dont see anyone else doing it - so someone's gotta do it right?