Anonymous ID: 61a951 Dec. 20, 2018, 6:35 p.m. No.4401827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1839 >>1867 >>2053 >>2110 >>2133 >>2148

I have More Digg's on Jonathon Morgan And Ryan Fox New Knowledge & Data for Democracy with regards to today's Q Part 1 of 2


Here is his tweet in response to recent news


Here is an excellent article by John S. on October 14 2018 It raises some very interesting questions and lines of inquire especially in regards to foreign interference in us elections


EXCLUSIVE: Company Behind Conservative Censoring Has Top Donors With Offices In China


Jonathon Morgan is a co-founder and CEO of New Knowledge.

New Knowledge is a self-described “cybersecurity company specializing in disinformation defense for highly visible brands under attack by coordinated disinformation campaigns. Through machine learning and AI we detect threats and provide brand manipulation protection before damage is done.”

Morgan has been relentless in detailing the “alt-right’s” radical “racism” in numerous posts at various outlets, like The Washington Post and The Atlantic, for instance.

Morgan also believes the “radical right” is behind threats of violence, as written by him in a post for Medium.

New Knowledge has listed numerous conservative blogs as “major threats” which prompted an in-depth article from The Washington Post.

The company has raised over $12 million and has been behind the censoring (and mass banishment) of conservative blogs and Twitter accounts.

New Knowledge has several top donors, one of which has two offices in China and a large percentage of Chinese directors.

GGV Capital, for example, “is a multi-stage venture capital firm based in Silicon Valley, Shanghai, and Beijing.”

Along with Morgan, “a former digital content producer and State Department counterterrorism advisor,” New Knowledge is led by “Ryan Fox, a former NSA officer and military intelligence veteran, and Sandeep Verma, who has led engineering teams for Halliburton and BP. Kelly Perdew, a Managing Partner at Moonshots Capital, will also be joining the board of directors.”

Ryan Fox “spent 15 years at the NSA championing next-generation SIGINT solutions, driven to support national security interests. Prior to his civilian roles as a Counter Terrorism Fellow and NSA Representative European SIGINT partners, he served under U.S. Joint Special Operation Command (JSOC), as a CNO Analyst for the U.S. Army.”

Morgan “served as an advisor to the White House and State Department, coauthored the ISIS Twitter Census for the Brookings Institution, and develops new technology with DARPA. Jonathon is also a cohost of the surprisingly popular Partially Derivative podcast, all about data and drinking, and a founding member of Data for Democracy, a volunteer platform for data science social impact projects.”

What is the motive of New Knowledge?

Why are they so against conservative blogs and their right to free speech? We will continue digging to bring you the most accurate information we can find. Until then, stay tuned…


GGV Capital GGV Capital is a $6.2 billion global venture capital firm investing in entrepreneurs in the US, Asia and other emerging economies.

We are the believers behind the believers.

We look for globally minded founders that are changing the world we live in.

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Here is an article they both wrote in the New York Times


Russians Meddling in the Midterms? Here’s the Data

They haven’t stopped trying to influence our elections. Indeed, they may be busier than ever.

By Jonathon Morgan and Ryan Fox

Mr. Morgan and Mr. Fox run a cybersecurity company.

Nov. 6, 2018

Anonymous ID: 61a951 Dec. 20, 2018, 6:36 p.m. No.4401839   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1867 >>2053 >>2148

>>4401827 part 2 of 2


Ryan Fox And Jonathon Morgan mentioned here


In “Made and Distributed In the USA: Online Disinformation,” the Times refers approvingly to the suppression of “influence campaigns” that “are increasingly a domestic phenomenon fomented by Americans on the left and the right.” It cites an “information warfare researcher” from the New Media Frontier organization as stating, “There are now well-developed networks of Americans targeting other Americans with purposefully designed manipulations.”

The Times further cites Ryan Fox, co-founder of New Knowledge, as claiming that censored pages and organizations “are trying to manipulate people by manufacturing consensus—that’s crossing the line over free speech.” Fox has previously worked for the NSA and the US Joint Special Operation Command. The CEO of New Knowledge, Jonathon Morgan, is connected to the Brookings Institution and was previously a special advisor to the US State Department.


Hers a crunch base page


Jonathan Morgan


Jonathon Morgan is cofounder and CEO of New Knowledge, a company building technologies to understand and predict human behavior. As part of his ongoing work applying quantitative methods to combating violent extremism, Jonathon served as an advisor to the White House and State Department, coauthored the ISIS Twitter Census for the Brookings Institution, and develops new technology with DARPA. Jonathon is also a cohost of the surprisingly popular Partially Derivative podcast, all about data and drinking, and a founding member of Data for Democracy, a volunteer platform for data science social impact projects.


Jonathan Also has a pod cast with the last episode being from 5 september 2017


Previosly covered


Social media researcher says he tried Russian-style influence tactics in Alabama

















Anonymous ID: 61a951 Dec. 20, 2018, 6:49 p.m. No.4402110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2133 >>2148


So here we have a Chinese backed propaganda duo with A background in NSA SIGN INT and Two companies specializing in information warfare using AI to identify social media content and counter it to protect Companies brand image engaging in a campaign to manipulate the out come of a US federal election