Anonymous ID: 1db47d Dec. 20, 2018, 7:47 p.m. No.4403147   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3180 >>3200 >>3378 >>3595 >>3678

Soros Gave $1.35M to ‘Nonpartisan’ Watchdog Inundating Trump with Lawsuits


Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington shares employees with Media Matters, state filings show


Liberal billionaire George Soros provided $1.35 million to a "nonpartisan" government watchdog organization last year that is hitting the Trump administration with a steady flow of complaints and lawsuits in an attempt to "damage" his presidency, according to tax filings provided to the Washington Free Beacon. Separate state filings also reveal that the "nonpartisan" watchdog shares employees with the liberal Media Matters for America, an organization that was founded by Democratic operative and Clinton loyalist David Brock. Confidential documents handed out by Brock to big money donors in early 2017 and obtained by the Free Beacon previously shed light on how Brock planned to attack Trump over the course of his presidency using his constellation of organizations.


Soros gave $1.35 million to Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a Washington, D.C.-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does not reveal its donors. The group has been involved with a number of high-profile lawsuits and complaints against Trump and other Republicans. Its top members regularly appear on news programs attacking the administration and members of the GOP but are rarely identified as having a left-wing mission by the outlets and on-air personalities. Soros's donations to CREW came from two entities in his Open Society Foundations network including $1,250,000 from the Foundation to Promote Open Society and $100,000 from the Open Society Policy Center, according to a review of his groups' most recent tax forms covering the 2017 fiscal year that were provided by Soros's spokesperson. CREW's most recent tax forms, which were provided by the organization, show that the group more than quadrupled its contributions from $1,853,672 in 2016 to $7,773,524 in 2017. The drastic uptick was a byproduct of its planned expansion as Trump took office, documents handed out by Brock to deep-pocketed donors at a January 2017 retreat revealed. The gathering was attended by more than 100 wealthy liberals who huddled alongside Brock at the posh Turnberry Isle Resort just outside Miami as they mapped out how they would "kick Donald Trump's ass" in the upcoming years.


The Free Beacon was on site for the retreat and obtained the confidential documents that show how the seasoned liberal operative planned to damage Trump using Media Matters, American Bridge, Shareblue, and CREW. Brock chaired CREW's board from 2014 to late 2016 but stepped down from the position as he did not want the organization to appear overly partisan as Trump was entering the White House. "Due to my stepped-up political activities in the American Bridge opposition research super PAC, I decided to step off CREW's board to ensure its public reputation for non-partisanship," Brock said at the time. "I'm very proud of the work CREW has accomplished during my two years on board, and its work is more relevant now than ever."


Brock's influence on the organization can still be felt, however. The internal memo explained how CREW would focus on afflicting Trump with "a steady flow of damaging information, new revelations, and an inability to avoid conflicts issues," forcing the Trump administration to defend "illegal conduct in court," reducing the influence of powerful industries and interest groups, and making dark money a political liability in key states. The documents boasted of CREW's communications team placing regular stories in the Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and other publications. The organization also gloated that the group partners "with top reporters to move major stories forward." Its budget was set at $5.8 million for 2017, which would "double" its size from the previous year, to allow them to expand its staff and scope of their investigations.


Confidental Documents Here:


CREW's financial filings that reveal they share employees with Media Matters


D.C. and Maryland v. Trump


Here's the Democracy Alliance's 'Resistance Map'

Anonymous ID: 1db47d Dec. 20, 2018, 8:03 p.m. No.4403404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3595 >>3678

Dems Target Trump's Pick For Attorney General Over Memo Critical Of Mueller


Top Senate Democrats are now targeting President Trump's pick for the next attorney general, William Barr, over concerns that Barr will derail the Mueller investigation. According to Reuters, the Democrats are also upset that Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker does not have to recuse himself from overseeing the probe into Russia (and anything else Mueller feels like), despite the fact that Whitaker has repeatedly criticized it.


Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader in the Senate, said on Thursday Barr is disqualified from the post by his recent memo blasting any potential attempts by Mueller to look into possible obstruction from Trump. “The president must immediately reconsider and find another nominee who is free of conflicts and will carry out the duties of the office impartially,” Schumer said. Trump said earlier this month he would nominate Barr, who was U.S. attorney general under President George H.W. Bush, to return to the position. According to media reports, Barr gave the memo, which was provided to lawmakers late on Wednesday, to the White House as well as Justice Department officials before his name was floated for the job. -Reuters


In his memo, written on June 8 of this year, Barr suggests that the Mueller investigation could "take down a democratically-elected president," and suggests that "it is imperative to the health of our system and to our national cohesion that any claim of wrongdoing is solidly based on evidence of a real crime - not a debatable one. It is time to travel well-worn paths; not to veer into novel, unsettled or contested areas of the law; and not to indulge the fancies by overly zealous prosecutors."


Senator Dianne Feinstein - the Judiciary Committee's senior Democrat, wrote on Twitter: "We need answers as to why William Barr proactively drafted a memo against Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation," adding "There’s no reason for a lawyer in private practice to do this unless he was attempting to curry favor with President Trump."


Democrat Mark Warner - Vice Chairman of the Senate Committee on Intelligence, has called for a bill to protect the Mueller investigation from political interference - which he says is urgently needed after DOJ ethics officials reportedly told Whitaker that he is not required to recuse himself from the probe.


Barr Memo:

Anonymous ID: 1db47d Dec. 20, 2018, 8:12 p.m. No.4403566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3635


I agree, this looks to be a photo copy..I believe that DOD would have a colored logo..and a heavier weight paper. Mattis's name & Title would also be on there as well I believe…

Anonymous ID: 1db47d Dec. 20, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.4403677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3707 >>3720

Mueller May Submit Russia Probe Report As Soon As February: NBC


Days after the sentencing of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was delayed until at least March, NBC News is reporting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is finally planning to submit his report on the Russia probe to the Attorney General as soon as February.


Special counsel Robert Mueller is nearing the end of his historic investigation into Russian election interference and is expected to submit a confidential report to the attorney general as early as mid-February, government officials and others familiar with the situation tell NBC News. "They clearly are tying up loose ends," said a lawyer who has been in contact with the Mueller team. The sources either did not know or would not say whether Mueller has answered the fundamental question he was hired to investigate: Whether Trump or anyone around him conspired with the Russian intelligence operations to help his campaign.


President Trump has said his legal team is preparing a response to the Mueller report, though it's unclear when that will be ready. Though it's important to take this report with a grain of salt. After all, reports out earlier this year suggested that Mueller would be done with his report shortly after the midterms. Yet the investigation - which has gone on for more than 18 months - has dragged on.