Anonymous ID: 79bd44 Dec. 20, 2018, 8 p.m. No.4403364   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3386 >>3634 >>3678

Laura Ingraham Publicizes Veteran's Wall Funding Effort: over $9mil raised in 3 days

starts ~21:25min


Laura says that triple amputee Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage started a Go Fune Me page for the Wall; has raised more than $9.7 million in 3 days.


LAURA: The critics will say this is just a publicity stunt…What do you say to those critics?


BRIAN: I say they're full of crap…this is the United States and we can do anything we want…this is not just about Republicans and Conservatives–there's an outpouring of DEMOCRATS who are messaging me and giving to this Wall fund…But you won't hear the liberal media saying that….


[Laura asks him about previous run-ins he's had with Facebook.]


LAURA: Are you getting any resistance to your [FB] postings at all?


BRIAN: …I don't use FB anymore, I've gone to Twitter and that's where people can find me. It's ridiculous the way these companies treat people….It's a lot of problems that are bubbling up right now. Americans are just not happy [with the social media community].


LAURA: Why the Wall?….


BRIAN: The Wall is very important to me. The Aall is near and dear to my heart. It was a promise that was made to Americans…We need security, we're a nation of laws, we need to enforce these laws. We can't have people coming across our borders that are unchecked, where we don't know who they are. We could have another terrorist attack tomorrow…We need to know who's coming across that border and we need to keep it in check….it's part of our nation, parts of our laws…our sovereignty….


LAURA:…If this Wall doesn't get built, I think it's going to demoralize a lot of people. We've got to get the thing built." [Talks about a tweet from Mikel Jollett saying that the Go Fund Me doesn't make sense because it will never raise enough money.]


BRIAN: That's just the Liberal tactics and the Liberal media. They're going to coming out and attack me…and my family.[But] we're not stopping. We're going to keep on pushingt this through. We're going to see what the Senate does, how this plays out…Americans aren't happy. They're going to keep giving to this Go Fund Me, we're going to keep pushing it.


LAURA: $9.7 million dollars–that's one of the top Go Fund Me efforts, in just three days. Thank you for your service to this country….You continue to inspire so many people.