Anonymous ID: f8cfb0 Dec. 20, 2018, 7:41 p.m. No.4403036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3068 >>3083 >>3107 >>3169 >>3395

Everyone seems to be a bit uneasy.

Calm your minds.

Mattis leaving marks the end of ISIS and presence in Syria meaning Cabal strings there cut. Russia/Assad were fighting against a coup because Assad refused to let a pipeline go through his country from Gulf to EU. Russia backed Assad to protect their oil trade with EU. ISIS a creation to destabilize Syria and remove Assad. That failed and now the whole shit is done.

That is why Mattis can walk away. That is why his letter seems the way it does. Media will eat it up and spin it to look like Mattis left because of what Trump has done with “allies” (what fucking allies). No, it was purposely written that way to really sell the chaos in the administration story….again. Mattis isn’t a petty man who would have written that for all the public to see. Trust the plan.

Now remember, January 1st marks the new EO kicking in for MIL and court martial. Seemingly at the same time a lot of big names are swapping out.

Mattis, Kelly, Haley, Sessions. Intermediates also serve a purpose. Think Scaramucci. If you need to reorganize, hire a stand in to clean house then fire them too. Everyone holds the grudge against the short term boss and now the new permanent placement can walk into a well organized and fresh new team to hit the ground running.

It has been done this whole time. It’s part of the plan.

Scaramucci was there to clean house and push Spicer out to clear the way for Sanders.

Tillerson was the guy with all the inside sauce on Middle East and once SA handled he was booted and replaced with the guy most perfectly suited to deal with NK and everywhere else the Clowns had their hands, Pompeo.

Sessions did his job, now Whitaker cleans up and shuffles the deck before Barr enters to redeal and play the next game.

So calm your tits, and don’t miss the forest for the trees.

Anonymous ID: f8cfb0 Dec. 20, 2018, 7:49 p.m. No.4403174   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3325


More than you know. Look at last year and the navy with that fat fuck bribing captains and such to pull into his port and offered drugs, money, and whores.


Clowns + Corrupt MIL had a lot of rat lines. Slowly being smoked out. Many soldiers/sailors had no idea what they were moving.