Anonymous ID: 1fdf8d Dec. 20, 2018, 8:39 p.m. No.4403911   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4273 >>4334 >>4348 >>4371 >>4377 >>4451

Gold still staying up above the spike after FOMC announcement. Spent all day/night getting back after the dump earlier.


Silver staying much closer to it's resistance at 14.8x/$15.

This is the one that has been beaten down RELENTLESSLY for decades. If you do not own any of this…GET SOME.

The ramifications of what went on in 1909 that set up the FRB is directly linked to choosing silver over gold as the industrial metal.

At the time there was plenty of Ag in/above ground.

Once that decision was made there was no going back on it.

Fast forward to now and the amount of physical silver available has drastically been cut. Most of it is lost due to the poor allocation of it in the tech industry.


Look into the use of Calutrons to build the Atom bomb at the Oak Ridge facility in TN.

Billions of oz's of physical silver were needed to process the uranium for our atomic program.