Anonymous ID: e94406 Dec. 20, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.4404534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4555 >>4766 >>4913 >>5135 >>5204

Nissan’s Ghosn Re-Arrested for Allegedly Shifting Personal Losses to Nissan


Japanese prosecutors re-arrested Nissan Motor Co Ltd’s ousted chairman Carlos Ghosn on Dec. 21 on fresh allegations of making Nissan shoulder $16.6 million in personal investment losses, dashing chances he would be released on bail imminently.


The move comes a day after a Tokyo court unexpectedly rejected prosecutors’ request to extend Ghosn’s detention, which raised the possibility that he could go free on bail as early as Dec. 21.


The re-arrest means he could be detained for at least another 10 days in a Tokyo jail, where he has been confined since he was arrested last month on initial allegations of financial misconduct.


The Tokyo prosecutor said the new allegations were based on suspicions that around October 2008, Ghosn shifted personal trades to the automaker, so that he could avoid paying for 1.85 billion yen ($16.6 million) in losses.


His lawyer, Motonari Otsuru, was not available for comment. The lawyer has previously declined to return calls regarding the Ghosn case.


The Tokyo court said in a statement that the lawyer for Greg Kelly, who was arrested along with Ghosn, has requested the release of Ghosn’s former deputy. Kelly’s detention extension was rejected along with Ghosn’s.


The dramatic turn of events came hours after Ghosn, through his lawyer and quoted by Japanese public broadcaster NHK, vowed to restore his good name in court and to hold a news conference after his release.


“Things as they stand are absolutely unacceptable,” he was quoted as saying. “I want to have my position heard and restore my honor in court.”


Ghosn was initially arrested on Nov. 19 for allegedly understating his income by about half over a five-year period from 2010. He was later charged with the same alleged crime covering the past three years.


Television camera crews had gathered outside the Tokyo jail on Dec. 21 morning in hopes of catching sight of Ghosn being released.


The Ghosn case has put Japan’s criminal justice system under international scrutiny and sparked criticism for some of its practices, including keeping suspects in detention for long periods and prohibiting defense lawyers from being present during interrogations, which can last eight hours a day.


Ghosn’s arrest has marked a dramatic fall for a leader once hailed for rescuing Nissan from the brink of bankruptcy.


It has also shaken the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance, with Nissan Chief Executive Hiroto Saikawa calling for changes to weaken Renault SA’s control.

Anonymous ID: e94406 Dec. 20, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.4404575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4583 >>4592 >>4799 >>4861

Sacha Baron Cohen filmed a scene in ‘Who is America’ about pedophilia. What happened was so shocking that it was cut from the show


BARON COHEN: And there was an interview that didn’t make it in, with Gio. We were shooting some of this at the time of Harvey Weinstein. We wanted to investigate how does someone like Harvey Weinstein gets away with doing what…get away with criminality, essentially. And the network that surrounds him. We decided that Gio would interview a concierge in Las Vegas. During the interview, I revealed that basically Gio has molested an eight-year-old boy. Now, mind you, this is extreme comedy and we thought that the guy would leave the room. Instead, this concierge stays in the room and I go, listen, you’ve got to help me get rid of the problem. And this guy starts advising Gio how to get rid of this issue. We even at one point talk about murdering the boy, and the concierge is just saying, ‘well, listen, I’m really sorry. In this country, we can’t just drown the boy. This is America we don’t do that.’ And then, in the end, he puts me in touch with a lawyer who can silence the boy. I became really dark stuff. And then at the end of the interview I say, listen, I want to go out and celebrate now. Can you get me a date for tonight? He says, ‘what do you mean, a date?’


I go, you know, like a young man. He says, ‘well, what kind of age?’ I say, lower than Bar Mitzvah but older than eight. And he says, ‘yeah, I can put you in touch with somebody who can get you some boys like that.’


DEADLINE: None of this remotely qualifies as comedy. What did you do?


BARON COHEN: We immediately turned over the footage to the FBI because we thought, perhaps there’s a pedophile ring in Las Vegas that’s operating for these very wealthy men. And this concierge had said that he’d worked for politicians and various billionaires. But in the end the FBI decided not to pursue it.


DEADLINE: Not surprising you didn’t put it in the show…


BARON COHEN: It was too dark and wrong. In a journalistic way it was fascinating, but it was so extreme and so dark that it was too unsettling for the audience.

Anonymous ID: e94406 Dec. 20, 2018, 9:44 p.m. No.4404738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4764 >>4766 >>4913 >>5135 >>5204

DOJ Confirms: Another Superseding Indictment Coming!


The DOJ has confirmed in a recent filing that there will be another superseding indictment in the NXIVM case.


The confirmation is found in a footnote on page 47 of a 71-page memorandum of law in opposition to the defendants’ motion to dismiss.

See the entire 71 page document. Page 47 has the surprising new info:

2018 12 17 Document 248 – Prosecution’s Memorandum Of Law In Opposition To Defendants’ Pre-Trial Motions (12.17.2018)Download


The footnote – easy to miss in the 21,000 word memorandum – was part of the DOJ’s response to one of Lauren Salzman’s arguments to dismiss some of her charges.


The footnote reads.


“In any event, the government expects that this issue will be rendered moot when the government presents a superseding indictment to the grand jury in this case. The government anticipates that current Racketeering Act Seven will be revised in the superseding indictment to name one or more Jane Does in place of ‘lower level DOS members,’ and will allege the New York States law extortion of each Jane Doe as a separate predicate act. “


But the language is plain enough: According to the DOJ, there will be new Jane Does named in a superseding indictment.


Possibly there will be new charges, perhaps new defendants.


A superseding indictment also means new discovery, new motions and more delays. The current trial date of March is looking increasingly unlikely.


The last superseding indictment in July 2018, pushed the original trial date of October 2018 off until March 2019 – a period of seven months.


If the coming superseding indictment pushes the trial back a similar period, the trial will be postponed until October 2019.


The two big questions are: Will others be charged? and will the present defendants get more charges – adding to their potential prison sentences?

Anonymous ID: e94406 Dec. 20, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.4404782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4823 >>4844 >>4913 >>5135 >>5204

Israel Prepares for Mass Immigration of French Jews


TEL AVIV – Israel is launching a government-wide initiative to encourage as many as 200,000 French Jews to immigrate to Israel, Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett announced Wednesday.


Concerned about their future in France in light of a series of Islamic terrorist attacks in recent years, as well as a rise in anti-Semitic incidents in general, French Jews are increasingly investigating the idea of resettlement in Israel. Data shows that 43% of French Jewry, or some 200,000 people, have expressed interest in making aliya, or immigrating to the Jewish state.


“Every Jew in France should know, as should Jews anywhere in the world, the State of Israel awaits them with open arms,” Bennett said in statement.


“Immigration to Israel does not end on the day of arrival, that is just the beginning,” Bennett continued. “The State should assist in absorption in all areas — language, education, housing, employment and more. We will do it.”


The proposal for the project, led by Bennett and National Economic Council Chairman Avi Simhon, will be presented to Israel’s Cabinet on Sunday. Representatives present will be from the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Services, the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure, Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, the Ministry of Economy, and the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs.


The final proposal will be drafted within two months and presented to the Ministerial Committee for Absorption and Immigration under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently serving as minister of absorption. The committee also includes Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin, Tourism Minister Yariv Levin, Simhon and the prime minister’s chief of staff Yoav Horowitz.


“These are ethical people, Zionists, lovers of the Jewish people and the Land of Israel, and it is our moral obligation to help them,” Bennett said of French Jews last week.


In 2015, following a spate of terror attacks in which five Jews were killed, Netanyahu said in a televised speech that “the State of Israel is your home.”


“All Jews who want to immigrate to Israel will be welcomed here warmly and with open arms,” he added.

Anonymous ID: e94406 Dec. 20, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.4404814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4880 >>4902 >>4913 >>4952 >>5119 >>5135 >>5176 >>5200 >>5204



WTF happened?


Trump informs Netanyahu "days prior".Monday he's out of Syria.


“I spoke with US President Donald Trump [on Monday] and yesterday with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who told me that it was the president’s intention to withdraw their forces from Syria and made it clear that they had other ways to express their influence in the arena,” Netanyahu said in a statement.


Immediately Netanyahu makes threats.


Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has blasted the hawkish Israeli premier for openly boasting of the regime’s “offensive missiles,” saying such a warmonger is in no position to voice “concerns” about Tehran’s defensive missile program.


Zarif was reacting Tuesday to Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments, who said a day earlier that the regime was developing missiles capable of hitting any target in the Middle East region.


Israel has bombed Syria's airport in Damacus several times recently all denied by the Assad gov. Israel has been probing the border with Syria trying to find away around the defensive systems.


Russia Syria then change the rules of engagement telling Israel if you bomb a Syrian airport we will bomb one in Israel.


“Russia has informed Israel that there are Russian officers present at every Syrian or Iranian military base and that any strike against Syrian or Iranian objectives would hit Russian forces as well. Putin will not allow his soldiers and officers to be struck down by Israel’s direct or indirect bombing”.


Moreover, Russia has given Syria the green light — said the source — to strike Israel at any time if and when Tel Aviv’s planes launch raids against Syrian military targets or launch long-range missiles without flying over Syria (for fear of the S-300 and to avoid seeing its jets downed over Syria or Lebanon).


Trump withdraws from Syria and this one move has had the immediate effect of separating who is with Trump and who is against. Countless attacks by MSM and Those on the Hill.


Netanyahu then says Israel will defend itself.


"We will study its timetable, how it will be implemented and - of course - its implications for us. In any case we will take care to maintain the security of Israel and to defend ourselves in this area," Netanyahu said in an English language statement released by his office.


Now the reality is Israel is cornered, Russia has an armada in the Gulf of 15 battleships, it has the S-300 in Syria but many forget the Khmeimim Russian base in Syria has the S-400 operable and it has been for quite sometime.


Make your own conclusions but the facts point in a clear direction.

Anonymous ID: e94406 Dec. 20, 2018, 9:54 p.m. No.4404851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4913 >>5023 >>5135 >>5204

GOP Rep. Kinzinger: Afghanistan Drawdown Will Lead To ‘Major Consequences’


On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL), a veteran of the Afghanistan War, criticized the drawdown of troops in Afghanistan as one that will lead to “major consequences” and stated that “the military is absolutely disheartened by this.”


Host Jim Sciutto asked, “[I]s America less safe today, with General Mattis’ departure, but also the decision to withdraw troops from Syria, and now to draw down troops from Afghanistan?”


Kinzinger responded, “Yes. … I think — does that mean tomorrow something bad’s going to happen? Hopefully not. But what it does mean is Syria now is going to be given over to the Russians, and they’re emboldened. It’s given to the Iranians. Assad’s emboldened. ISIS, which is not destroyed, is going to go recruit a whole bunch more people because they just vanquished the United States of America. The president who ran on being this real tough guy, that’s going to just destroy ISIS gave up, it feels like. And then with these rumors about Afghanistan, you know, it’s unbelievably — at a time when we’re supposed to be negotiating with the Taliban, that maybe he would signal withdrawal? That — I mean, anything you know about instruments of power and how diplomacy works, it doesn’t work by removing the military threat. … There’s going to be major consequences to this.”


He later added, “I’ll tell you, the military is absolutely disheartened by this. I mean, I’m hearing it from my friends, a lot of, what is the president thinking?”

Anonymous ID: e94406 Dec. 20, 2018, 10:01 p.m. No.4404936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4968 >>5021 >>5027 >>5135 >>5204

Establishment Meltdown Over Mattis Resignation: Talk of Impeaching Pres. Trump, Coups and Suicide


The Establishment is melting down after the sudden resignation by Secretary of Defense James Mattis on Thursday. Talk of impeachment, coups, and suicide abound over fears that Mattis was the last ‘adult’ keeping President Trump in check. Mattis resigned as Trump moved to assert mastery over his presidency this week in key areas after nearly two years on the job.


So much more: