> Israel doesn't seem to mind
> the SA regime that was against Israel
This has to be the biggest lie of 2018.
Good Job, Sir
25 basis points is hardly potent.
What's notable is that the media wants it to cause a crash.
we wouldn't have had slavery either.
a few
And notice how they had to keep rates at zero for pretty much the entire Obama regime.
I think Yellen raised only once before the Trump election.
great job, anon
I can't stand listening to them but it's good to know what the enemy is up to.
this exercise only proves that we literally don't need the govt for anything.
If we can figure out the national security issue, and we can, we could just overthrow the MFers.
>She's also, for good reason, not exactly too keen on men running everything.
Stopped reading there.
the bitch double dared him, on national TV to do exactly what he did.
nancy is going to be a gold mine for donald.