Anonymous ID: 93d353 Dec. 20, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.4405955   🗄️.is 🔗kun

my mother was born on this day.

she died on this day. police officer.

definitely totally would have been

on the trump train from day one.


CTID 6369


I've been posting this for months here

and there. I always thought it shed

considerable light on the meaning

to be attached to "Keystone". The

question I had is what is the meaning

to be attached to "we", or rather who

falls within the class of persons known

as "we". Do….the Italians? No. Do Nigerians?

No. Do Israelis? No. Do Brits? No. Do traitors?

No. Do subversives? No. Illegals? No.


I have no idea where I found it but it is in a

folder that contains these other images.


I do not know who put the date text on the

image of grave site. Not a clue. I put the red

box around the date months ago myself after

poking around to try to get some clue what the

whole message on that meme might mean and

all I came up with at the time (sometime in the spring)

was the screenshot here of RFK and Teddy in D.C.

at a meeting on that date. I put the colored box around it.

Just a coincidence? Probably. I really

want to know what was being discussed in the

Senate on "budget priorities" and what did the

Kennedys do that day in D.C.


The capture with JFK at the desk is also mine

as is the red text which is crazy talk


No idea where the final image came from or

whose work it is.