Anonymous ID: ca4e8c Dec. 20, 2018, 10:40 p.m. No.4405330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5469 >>5719 >>5887 >>5980



>Mattis leaving means we're less safe?

>McCrystal on Mattis - True patriot like Mattis leaving should give pause to EVERY AMERICAN

>Clapper, will American's be less safe with Mattis out?



>Yes. This is disturbing but not surprising. It was only a matter of time before he broke. Letter is classic and will go down in history for not only what it says but what it doesn't say.



>What are you hearing in the National Security and Intelligence Communities?



>Everyone is disturbed. Mattis leaving makes people VERY nervous



>Trump claimed he knows more about ISIS than everyone else

<Clip from 2016 of Trump saying the Generals are not winning because of Obama's interference and insistence on running things from the White House

>Isn't POTUS doing the same thing Obama did? Run things from the White House instead of letting the Generals do their thing?



>Yes, Trump is doing exactly what Obama did and it's ironic. It's completely wrong to assert that ISIS has been defeated, they haven't been.



>What didn't Mattis' letter say?



>Mattis didn't say he was honored to be a part of the Administration. Obvious and compelling evidence against POTUS



>Do you think others will speak out and leave their positions?


–reminds me of Comey asking for someone to stand up against POTUS



>I hope so. I want to footstomp something that Julia [can't make out name] said about her hope that others will not remain silent. Jim still has a service to render to this country and I hope he does and that others will think hard about our values and what's important to this country



>Two years is a long time with this POTUS, who will replace Mattis? Or will he do this all on his own and ignore any advice given?



>Exactly. Stable genius. I don't know who the replacement will be without being a complete yes man. POTUS only wants such people that will salute smartly and march off and do whatever he wants done without any thought of the implications

>The withdraw from Syria is completely reckless


Cabal seems to really be blowing their shit over Mattis resigning.

See >>4404866 (lb) for Chuck and Nancy's take on Mattis leaving.

Anonymous ID: ca4e8c Dec. 20, 2018, 11:14 p.m. No.4405621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5633 >>5719 >>5737 >>5887 >>5980


>House passed the bill, will it pass the senate?

>No, they don't have the required 60 votes.

>All sides agreed on spending bill to keep government running until February.

>Last minute insertion of wall funds riled up Dems and some Repubs

>Dems repeatedly say that border wall is a non-starter

>Christmas shut down will happen

>Steve Cortes, will this end well for Trump?


<Steve Cortes

>Yes, because it will end well for America

>I don't want a shut down and I do realize it will bring A LOT OF PAIN FOR SOME

>A shut down is well worth the temporary short term problems so that we can permanently shut down a porous border that is a threat to national security

>I applaud the president for not signing the stop gap bill and the Senate has abdicated its duties by simply punting it to February and saying we'll deal with it then so we can be home for Christmas – that's not leadership.

>POTUS showing leadership to force their hand


>Charlie Dent, is shutting down health care, homeland security, and law enforcement are not inconsequential… is it a price worth paying?


<Charlie Dent

>Absolutely not! It is utterly reckless!

>The Senate will strip the wall funding and send it back to the House

>If the House doesn't sign off and pass it this will lead to a shutdown


>POTUS had a deal on border security and he walked away from it

>A shutdown is an absolute failure of leadership

>Mattis resigning, Cohen and Flynn and Syria and Afghanistan pull out indicates panic and a crisis

>We need order and stability and discipline, not chaos and dysfunction and disorder

>This is terrible for the country, someone needs to stand up and speak out.

>Nativism, protectionism, isolationism is terrible for our country.


>Is this administration in chaos to the point it can't run the country?


<Kirsten Day

>Yes, they've been in chaos for a while

>We shouldn't chide POTUS for caving on the wall to get a compromise

>Then he gets attacked and now wants a shut down.

>I don't see how else to spin this except utter chaos

>Mattis stepping down wasn't a normal resignation but a rebuke of Trumps entire foreign policy

>That's what's most shocking


>Steve Cortes, can you defend POTUS?


<Steve Cortes

>Pace of news in Trump is frenetic, hard to keep up.

>POTUS considered compromise but it wasn't a compromise

>POTUS promised not to sign another omnibus bill

>Can't imagine explaining to base why we have no wall.

>Wall ISN'T a vanity project, it's essential to national defense. Walls work around the world, Israel is the best example


<Charlie Dent

>I worked for Homeland Security and NO ONE SAYS WALLS WORK. No expert says we need a southern border wall.

>We have to do more!

>Everyone knows a wall isn't the best way to defend the border

>This anarchy HAS TO END

>This is a Charlottesville week or Scaramucci week

>Trump Foundation got shut down, in addition to everything else


<Steve Cortes

>We have THOUSANDS of people crossing the border that the MSM will not report on


<Kirsten Day

>It's completely disconnected from reality. Chaos comes from the President

>Sending the military to fight off "invaders" is the chaos that we see.

>The wall is just a bumper sticker promise.

>Mexico is never going to pay for the wall, why be mad at Congress?

Anonymous ID: ca4e8c Dec. 20, 2018, 11:21 p.m. No.4405676   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Glad some anons like it. I admit it is extremely hard to sit through the clips and take notes, ESPECIALLY Don Lemon… god does that guy think he is the shit and hilarious!

Anonymous ID: ca4e8c Dec. 20, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.4405956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5980



–buzzword seems to be chaos recently, as well as weak and broken.


>Mattis leaving is a critical time, especially with the pull out of Syria and Afghanistan

>Gen. McCaffrey suggests that Homeland Security Secretary will be leaving soon

>Losing Mattis is a big concern for troops and the American people

>Anonymous source close to POTUS says he is in a complete tail spin

>Refuses to sign stop gap

>Trump controlled by alt-right

<Plays clip of Limbaugh saying POTUS contacted him personally and said there will either be funding for the wall or a shutdown

>Senate recalled to vote on House bill.



>GOP has no long term goal

>DOW continues to plunge

>Mueller is nearing end of investigation which is BAD NEWS FOR TRUMP


<Comments from Brennan

>Mattis is a consummate defense professional. Widely respected within the Pentagon.

>Mattis out is a great loss

>Trump irresponsible and reckless

>Mattis is greatly admired in previous administrations

>His departure is very concerning


>Mattis reached breaking point

>Pulling out of Syria is abandoning our allies and damaging to NATO and United Nations