Anonymous ID: 0d3eb9 Dec. 21, 2018, 1:32 a.m. No.4406541   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6635



If you understand the basics of Masonry, it isn't until the degrees of 28+, that they are told of the true intent of the religion. Most Masons are fools, who spend a fortune, both in time & money, to believe they have become illumined "masters."


Of fucking course, not every Mason is dictating world events, but they had better realize the overall cult they are in, is founded upon lies, secrecy & control.


Most people don't even know the real reason why the Freemason founders of the USA created it. They didn't call it the Great Experiment for shits & giggles…


There is no such thing as good or bad Masons. Only the adept or the deceived.