Anonymous ID: 45b5db Dec. 21, 2018, 12:31 a.m. No.4406161   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6179 >>6229

MSM - "If we leave Syria, ISIS will return."


Before Trump, US taxpayers were funding ISIS.

Through global channels and deep state.

Which was used to get the US to fight a war.

And that was also funded by US taxpayers.

Which was used as a pretext for immigration.

And the US taxpayer paid for that too.

And so on in other nations too.



But Trump has severed the LOOP.

And now when we pull out of Syria,

There is no money flowing in from the US.

So there is no funding for a new ISIS.

Because the world is broke except US.

Billions are pouring into America weekly.

Rather than billions pouring out weekly.

Trump operates the US like a company.

Supply, demand, pricing, marketing.

And our product is called the "Military"

So who now will pay the highest price.

The one consumer that needs it the most.

Israel. The ultimate consumer of our product.

Which allows Trump to apply leverage.

To all those Jewish US Senators.

And Representatives, Judges, Bureaucrats,

And CEO's, Bankers, Social, Media…

To get exactly what we want.

When the SHTF.
