Anonymous ID: 99ffcc Dec. 21, 2018, 12:17 a.m. No.4406079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6094 >>6098 >>6117 >>6215 >>6243 >>6301 >>6531 >>6646 >>6756


>Trump celebrates tax cut one year ago

>YUUGE boost to economy


>Companies spent savings on stock investments

>$4.9B farmer bailout

–no mention of the FED hiking rates again


<Mikey Moore

>Tax cuts were gift to top 1%

>When will 1% decide to oust Trump

>Not just Trump but ALL republicans… no one has the courage to stand up to Trump and say this is wrong, it's un-American

>Tax cut is an act of terror

>How many more opioids will they need to alleviate pain?

>How will their children fare in inadequate schools?

>How will they fare against the climate change they don't believe in?

>Healthcare should not be in the hands of people whose sole goal is to turn a profit

>First time in 2 years afraid for the country with Mattis stepping down

>Mattis out means replacement will be yes-man

>Trump is an autocrat

>Trump closer to starting WWIII

>Trump is random and infantile - would he be tried as an adult?

>Mattis resignation letter was beautiful and said all the right things – no praise for POTUS

>Troops offered to DIE for us, a volunteer army. Mattis abandoning them by resigning. Not defending American people.

>Trump NOT elected by the People. TRUMP HAS TO GO

>Trump pulling out of Syria is EXACTLY what his handlers want.

>Trump learned to be open and public about his crimes so he can get away with it

>American people are waking up and spinning at the chaos from POTUS

>Must remove Electoral College to ensure election integrity


Anonymous ID: 99ffcc Dec. 21, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.4406114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6152 >>6265 >>6270

Normally I'll watch the video and write down the notes of importance but damn, I just can't go on with Don Lemon. He is just so terrible and thinks he is the shit… makes stupid jokes, awkward cadence to his voice, random pauses mid sentence…


How is this guy still an anchor?

Anonymous ID: 99ffcc Dec. 21, 2018, 12:40 a.m. No.4406239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6256 >>6328


Democrat Luis Gutierrez states on All In on MSNBC


<Secretary Nielson

>I will continue to work with the northern triangle countries, from Congress I would say we need wall


<We need wall. Give us wall.

>New Trump policy would keep asylum seekers in Mexico while they await processing


<Gutierrez reads tweet stating families are not seperated at the border

>Another lie


<What do you think of the new policy?

>I expect we will be in court shortly to ensure asylum and refugee laws are complied with.

>How cruel, how inhumane. Love to show their Christianity but yet their policy is cruel and inhumane

>Here's what she's doing. She's auditioning to keep her job. She won't leave with her dignity intact


<POTUS insisted on a shutdown, do people realize this is a con?

>They've set themselves in a motion that they can't find a way out

>Kelley admitted building a wall was just political. It's not happening. Democrats will not give him the money for the wall.

>Unchristian to shut down the government

>Pelosi will be savior once Speaker

>Repubs feel cornered and trapped and it's the death of the party

>Hillary won by 3 million votes and Democrats got 7 million votes during the mid-terms – the wall is clearly the wrong direction.

>The wall is immoral and the American people don't want a wall

>You cannot negotiate with repubs because they want the unnegotiable - the end of the immigration system in America

Anonymous ID: 99ffcc Dec. 21, 2018, 1:16 a.m. No.4406446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6510


Thanks, not always easy because they are SO hard to watch because they are trying to appeal to such idiots. Though I think it's a good idea to watch the opposition to see what talking points they are going to be trying to push.


Though I don't know which is worse the MSM or the Late Night Comedians… anyway



>Trump's biggest scams are crumbling

>Fake charity

>No border wall

>Mueller wrapping up investigation

>Broken campaign finance laws

>Hush payments to cover affairs

>Charity is a slush fund SDNY

>Flynn lied to FBI and botched court appearance

>Administration full of bumbling idiots and nefarious creeps

>Trump demands 5 billion for a stupid pointless border wall no one wants because of his racist immigration policies

>Trump flopped and said shutdown would be Dems fault yet at end of meeting, it would be his

>Stephen Miller is the aid Trump turns to when he's desperate

>Sarah Sanders says they already have the money

>USMCA already gives money for the wall

>How will money come from USMCA without new taxes?

>New trade will go to citizens, not treasury

>General revenue from new trade deal with pay for wall

>USMCA is a new tax?

>No. We're talking about additional revenue that wouldn't have existed without the new deal

>Wall is a scam that is falling apart like Trump's charity

>Build a wall with portraits of Trump paid for with his charity

>One Trump associate after another is pleading guilty to federal crimes