Anonymous ID: 7e830e Dec. 21, 2018, 5:14 a.m. No.4407610   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7617 >>7618 >>7638 >>7721

>>4407559 pb


Jesuits and Masons were both infiltrated by Jews.


Illuminati - Weishaupf, a Jesuit. Illuminati infiltrates the Masonic lodges. We aren't seeing a lot of evidence that the Masons were bad before the influence of the Illuminati, in the late 1700's early 1800s.


The Anti Masonic political party was likely (I don't know) the result of what the Masons turned into after being infiltrated by the Jew/Illuminati.

Anonymous ID: 7e830e Dec. 21, 2018, 5:29 a.m. No.4407724   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7799



You know, the terms Shilling and Trolling might not be as useful as this term Pilpul.


If we just switched to Pilpul when we're using Shilling and Trolling randomly, we'd be able to make our point and hit a target that should be hit.


These are Jewish Tricks. They innovate in False Flags, in modern Terrorism, and apparently they innovate in making shitty arguments on the internet, using Pilpul.


"This is Pilpul, you didn't answer my question"


And it might not be so clearly anti semitic that you can't use it on facebook, it can just be normal conversation on facebook that Pilpul is Jewish rhetorical tricks.

Anonymous ID: 7e830e Dec. 21, 2018, 5:46 a.m. No.4407885   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7891 >>7911 >>8171



Re the Masons. My guess about this is that Masons are Rural America. Parts of America that don't see any Jews at all.


My understanding of Masons is that on the lower levels, they don't do the evil stuff. We're talking about child rape and murder. I don't think that happening at any random masonic lodge. I would say, more often or not, they're not doing that. Maybe the leader goes away for a convention and they do that there or something. But I'm going to say they're not doing that at the bottom levels.


I do think, though, and this is based on no knowledge whatsoever, that the Masons have a lot of control of local government and local business, and they probably don't like to be criticized. So, you'll get that handy-man response. I'm sure that Masons can probably avoid justice at times in their local regions of influence.

Anonymous ID: 7e830e Dec. 21, 2018, 6:25 a.m. No.4408195   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I guess there was a small group, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, running over the centuries who might or might not have had secret knowledge and they weren't explicitly evil or Anti-Christians. And they hummed along doing what they were doing. Small small numbers.


Then 1666, Zevi, and then in the 1700s Frank. And they were explicitly evil Jews. And they were very popular, and had many followers. Far more Sabbatean Frankists than Knights Templar. What did you start to see happen? You start to see these explicitly Evil Jews do?


Some converted to Islam and became Donmeh. Others infiltrated the Jesuits.


The 13 bloodlines might be Knights Templar, but when you get to 1666 Zevi - Kabbala and 1776 Weishaupt, Frank, Rothschild, Illuminati. you find a lot more of the Evil Jews.


So with the Masons, who might have been doing the "secret knowledge" stuff, were infiltrated by the Illuminati evil world domination stuff.


Here's some on Frank.


In expectation of the great Messianic revolution, the members of these societies violated Jewish laws and custom. The mystical cult of the Sabbateans is believed to have included both asceticism and sensuality: some did penance for their sins, subjected themselves to self-inflicted pain, and "mourned for Zion"; others disregarded the strict rules of modesty required by Judaism, and at times were accused of being licentious. The Polish rabbis attempted to ban the "Sabbatean heresy" at the assembly at Lviv (Lwów) in 1722, but could not fully succeed, as it was widely popular among the nascent Jewish middle class.


that's from Wiki. There are more negative views of Frank elsewhere.


Here's what the above link has to say about Rothschild, Frank, and Weishaupt (but they could just be making it up out of convenience)


"It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who convinced Weishaupt to wholly accept the Frankist Cabbalist doctrine and who afterwards financed the Illuminati."


And, right after this, Rothschild got super rich, and they're still around, writing emails to Hillary Clinton, telling her what to do.


So, whether its true or not, that story has the advantages of tying together top Jews in the Economic, Political and Religious fields.