Anonymous ID: 807332 Dec. 21, 2018, 5:26 a.m. No.4407691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7824 >>7898 >>8242

NZ Prime Minister Ms Ardern (Labour AKA Progressive Socialist Party) only managed to get 37% of the vote but did a deal with the minor parties of NZ First (Ms Winston Peters) and the Green Party under MMP to attain power. In the mean time the New Conservative Party has been launched as an alternative to the NZ globalist Uni-party of National and Labour.


The NZ First Party appears to be a misnomer!


We now, under Ms Ardern’s government, have a Minister for Climate Change and that lie is constantly and incessantly being pushed while all stops have been pulled on UN Agenda 2021 / 2030 which is being implemented in all manner of underhanded ways that few seem to be able to see. NZ Media is almost entirely foreign owned now too.


There’s been negligible NZ MSM attention given to the NZ signing of the Migration Pact. Practically a media blackout on the topic with the exceptions being very short mentions of what other countries are doing, not NZ.


'We are coming to get you': Former NZ Rugby boss threatens 'traitor' Ardern

21 December 2018

“A former top rugby boss has called Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters "traitors", and warned he's coming to get them.

Ex-New Zealand Rugby CEO David Moffett, a member of the New Conservative Party, made the comments on Thursday after the Government announced it would support the United Nations Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.

"Yes we'll see whether you 2 traitors are still smiling when we are done with you next year," he wrote on Twitter.


(The posted maps come from here.)

This is our future under the UN Global Migration Pact

21, 2018

‘‘This isn’t some “right wing nut job” conspiracy theory: thanks to Gallup, we have the evidence. Quote:

If everyone in the world could move to whatever country they wanted to, New Zealand’s population would swell by 231 per cent.

United States-based research firm Gallup’s most recent Potential Net Migration Index (PNMI), a 2015-2017 survey of more than 450,000 adults from 152 countries, has revealed that New Zealand would see a substantial influx of people if migration were free. End of quote.

As the data shows, New Zealand isn’t the only country in the globalists’ sights, but, unlike Australia and the United States, New Zealand is voluntarily throwing its borders wide open.’


Our socialist government will be coming for our guns soon! Can’t have us defending ourselves from the overwhelming influx of ‘peaceful’ Muslim migrants! I can only hope that President Trump has a ‘Special Place’ for the FVEY traitors-to-humanity in Gitmo, or the other two prisons. I’d prefer Gitmo though.