Anonymous ID: a930ed Dec. 21, 2018, 6:57 a.m. No.4408457   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8466



Stab In The Back #367,964


Look at the number of whites killed by blacks over the last 25 years. Do they ever want to talk about that? Nope. This lynching thing is the black version of the holohaux. It's the black version of yelling "anti-semite" and its fucking cowardly. It reeks of the Jew run NAACP. Klan was Jew-masonic. NAACP Jew masonic. Blacks and Jews do the hate crimes, our treacherous senate passes this type of legislation…disgusting.


This senate has also passed the anti-Semitism awareness act. Pushed by blacks like Tim Scott. Look at Tim Scott in this video.


White people are being murdered in South Africa and this is what

the Senate that protects pedophiles does. All of our elected officials

are protecting the lives of pedophiles at our expense and laughing at us.


Observe the joke sentencing pedophiles receive for multiple life-destroying

acts against multiple children. Layers, Judges and politicians do NOT takle

crimes against children seriously. If they did, they'd esecute them after a sifle offcne.


The only solution is to take the children of lawyers, judges, and politicians and

give them to bona fide pedophiles for one week.


Then they might act consistent with not being cunts. This is not a show it is a farce.

Anonymous ID: a930ed Dec. 21, 2018, 7:30 a.m. No.4408837   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yes. very much so anon. this is very very serious.

100% betrayal. citizens have got to have the militarys back.

this has to stop now right this second now.

you don't get to experiment on our people just cos they

swear the oath of enlistment.


both. you can destroy a peoples

IQ as well as establish conditions to maximize and generation

on generation improve it.


there has been a war on the minds of black Americans who share

DNA and a common environment with whites.

Anonymous ID: a930ed Dec. 21, 2018, 7:51 a.m. No.4409116   🗄️.is 🔗kun


anon in 1991 the US Embassy in London sent me to a doctor

in Harley Street for a full work over including a TB screening.

Background checks. Had the big interview as well.


I should have identified as a Kenya or Guatemalan.


when I flew into JFK…with a letter and a visa from

the embassy for goodness sake they pulled me out

made me take off all my outer clothes,

searched me and tore all my bags open.


three hours. no communication with anyone allowed.


welcome to the USA whitey.

