would have to be essential brain dead to believe it, so expect every neocohen to scream about it
Obama sure was, but I guess he wasn't american
>says the white person as he gives away his country and money to non-whites
your ancestors would be disgusted with you
awesome, so diverse, i'm sure Swedish patriots have no skin color as well
it's about IQ you dumb nigger, they will never white
don't worry, it's another master plan that will net another 1% of the nigger vote for only 100 billion dollars and 5% of the white vote
i made a typo so i guess that means 80IQ niggers are the same as 100 IQ whites, you win this time jamal
they honesty believe if niggers just had more money they would be white people with darker skin. That's the only difference between us in their eyes, let alone there isn't a single black country on the planet anyone would actually want to live in, just skin color right?
he's cucked and pissed, not too hard to figure out, trump prob banged kelly anne
male genital mutilation you mean
>oy vey we can't fulfill our promises, the democrats won't let us!
>oy vey we can't fulfill our promises, the republicans won't let us!
never change washington
they are so full of shit
Q, tell trump the people are 110% behind him on peace