>>4408964 LB
We could do that all day!!!! People are waking up to it…. the comparison memes are great!!!
>>4408964 LB
We could do that all day!!!! People are waking up to it…. the comparison memes are great!!!
Are they changing headlines to counter posts here???
Hahaha!!! You are right!!!!!!!
He must be in here watching…
I remember that day!!!! We watched them changing things In Real time!!!!!
BHO started isis, weakened our military , tied the hands of our soldiers, hired MB in the White House and added CZARs to the offices filled with MB…
Will the FISA be de classed soon???????? It’s way beyond time!!!
Weird…. wasn’t wiki comped last year when clowns in action took it over after killing off the top three??????
Curry…India…..where they are all communicating now
Good catch.. them telling the cabal when…