Anonymous ID: f1be2f Dec. 21, 2018, 8:42 a.m. No.4409959   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4409412 (PB)

With Military weakened and occupied fighting a marionette(ISIS),

combined with FBI, DOJ, C_A, and other alphabet agencies decapitated,

and with division sewn throughout the body politic; Hussein and DS set out to create events(ISIS infiltration through southern border) that could be used to justify Martial Law/FEMA camp extrication of "Deplorables" and any who would "fight"(Lifelog Project).


This all would have been enough for ending America, IF, HRC was elected.


If HRC were president the border would serve as the gateway for unlimited "Terror" to subdue and force bourgeoise to submit.


American Service men and women wouldn't force American citizens into FEMA Camps. This is why the military had to be weakened. A series of Terror attacks would be used to "invite" "UN 'peace' keepers" into United States, these multinational forces would be those who removed Americans from their homes.