Anonymous ID: e21adb Dec. 21, 2018, 9:52 a.m. No.4411027   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>There is no way that they CANT handle this with current technology


The previous 2 times a drone flew over Gatwick it shut the runway down for a few minutes.


>Operations were suspended that evening from 6.10pm to 6.19pm, and again from 6.36pm to 6.41pm, after a drone was spotted on the airport's final approach path.


They set up the latest Raytheon drone destroying equipment on the roof of the airport today as well. So, basically we just paid The Mossad £18 million for 8 Drone destroyers that don't actually work.


>The cat and mouse game with police started at 9pm on Wednesday with drones deliberately flown over officers and the Gatwick control tower while flashing on-board lights before heading for the runway if officials tried to reopen it.


>But they vanished last night after the Army used a high-tech 'drone dome' defence system that features a tracking system and a 'kill-jammer' that cuts a drone's communications and seizes its controls.


>A similar arsenal of weapons was used by British and US forces to help liberate Mosul in Iraq and neutralise ISIS drones - but passengers trapped at Gatwick are furious the weapons were not brought in earlier.