Liverpoool, Liverpoool.
Liverpoooooooooooo, Liverpoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
Liverpoool, Liverpoool.
Liverpoooooooooooo, Liverpoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool.
When my baby and family will take me up, 2 see Liverpool's games from a safe place, and highest position that soul can buy?!?
Till then, only morons can have this pleasure???????
I am angry and jelaus, cos they don't love this team as I do, anyway.
So why ?????????????
Please listen and think that my nany is here w/ me, and my family refuse to take me to this games.
Yet they allow pedos that rape kids to have a wonderful life, that can have wtv they want, w/ private jets, yachts and islands………..
Why, dear????
So stay w/ them.
Go the fk and stay w/ criminals.
I will watch this from here, like I always did.\
How about this, you come, take all, but all, an I will go up, and tell you, please remain calm.
In silence w/ all, but all!
How many, from all the planet, but let's expand that, all the galaxy, will remain calm, in the same situation.
one, please!!!!
Let's switch, but from zero point.
So you can understand.
Then, at maximus point, I will tell you remain calm…….Please……..
How many books you must read???
At the End of the World: A True Story of Murder in the Arctic Hardcover ??????????
Surviver guide as an empath???????????????