Anonymous ID: 958643 Dec. 21, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.4412142   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I was going through my personal archives and found some interesting posts regarding Syria that explain a lot. These are not Q drops, but seemed to me to be from a "helper" or member of the team posting as an anon:


"This is the facility in Northern Syria where Iran is developing its nuclear capabilities in order to get around the Iran deal. Iran is not fighting with Syria against ISIS. Iran is infiltrating Syria, taking over. This is the MOAB that Q promised was incoming. So far, Israel has taken out the Syrian T4 base that was actually operated by the Iranians. We took out three development and storage facilities. Israel just dropped the MOAB on Iran's nuclear facility. Russian is working with us. It doesn't want Iran in Syria, either, or Iran developing nuclear capability (but Russia and Iran are supposed to be allies so the take-out had to be by someone else). This is a US/Israel/Russian operation against Iran. The best part? Iran cannot say a word, just has to take it. Why doesn't the media report the truth? Oh, and who gave Iran the money to build this facility and who made it possible for Iran to get possession of uranium? Can we say, Obama and Hillary? And VJ?"


"Anonymous (You) 04/29/18 (Sun) 23:08:52 a1928c No.1244181>>1244210 >>1244248 >>1244378


So Iron Eagle is a shell corporation set up by Renegade to receive the twice yearly $250 Billion "payments to Iran" that were added to the Iran Deal in a secret side agreement? And the coalition op with Jordan and other allies is to take down the cabal and Iranian bases and assets in Syria before moving into Iran to free the Iranian people from the CIA, cabal and Mullahs?


Anonymous 04/29/18 (Sun) 23:20:45 2c242e No.1244378

>>1244181 (You)


Semper Fi"


"An extraordinarily complicated plot. All along ISIS and the migration to Europe were distractions while the Iranians were doing their thing. Americans high up in the American government transfer American uranium and tons of cash to Iran to help them produce a nuclear bomb. The bomb was to be used to nuke the USA and then the Russians were to be falsely blamed for the attack. President HRC would then go to Congress and get approval to declare war on Russia. It would have been WW3. All to enrich the Rothschilds, HRC, BHO, and their evil friends. They needed desperately for this to work. Things suddenly went awry when HRC lost the election. But the cabal is still pulling all the tricks…They've sent May, Manny, and Merkel to try to convince POTUS to stay in the Iran deal. All of them failed. Now they are in panic mode because there will be no war with Russia and they have been exposed.

But did they really think this through? It seems a bit short-sighted. We have nuclear weapons to fight such a war, but so do the Russians. Neither side would win. The nuclear fallout would severely impact the planet for decades….the air..the water…the food… Where were the elites planning to go to spend their billions and live a life of luxury and ease after they poisoned and destroyed the planet? How long did they plan to rough it in underground bunkers? These people are not just stupid, they are insane."