Anonymous ID: 786f13 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.4412983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3005

>>4412393 (lb)


Would be fucking hilarious to find out general Mattis pulled a 'Sessions' (the old theory), the old fake out, appearing to resign in an angry huff-and-puff to attract those still actively plotting a coup.


"Barzini wants to arrange a meeting. He says we can straighten any of our problems out." (vid related timestamp 2:22 or so).


On a side note (while typing this out) I learned Emilio Barzini's character is nicknamed "The Wolf." GHWB SS codename: Timber Wolf/Gray Wolf (Canis Lupis).



Anonymous ID: 786f13 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:21 p.m. No.4413158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3247


>were deep state plants to block shit from rolling.


You missed part. Yes, to block shit but ALSO as a FAKE pretext to start their 'counter-intelligence' investigation into collusion with the Russians to sway the election.


If it wasn't so deadly serious to some people (general Flynn, Papadopoulis, Manafort, Stone, Corsi and others), I would laugh my ass off. But the normies bought it and we have Mueller for 2+ years and 40 million+ and running.


The Ruski distraction was invented, in part, by John Podesta to deflect people from learning he willingly fell for a phishing hack and had his email account exposed. Password was what, password, or some shit.


It's a fucking joke but until the tide turns we can't laugh. In my opinion someone got to judge sullivan too. Dude did a 180. Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde routine. He was chomping at the bit to prove to the DS that he was going to censor general Flynn and stop the bleeding that was going on. The headlines about fbi destruction of evidence (302's anyone), destroyed texts and other matters. Last time I saw a judge flip the switch like that was when roberts found obamacare to be constitutional, under congress' taxing power. Forget he was on record, multiple times, saying the law as written (with the punitive mandate) was unconstitutional. Citizens were now forced, under penalty of law, to purchase a product.


A bad fucking nightmare. All of it. Shit, does anyone know? Can comey recall where he lives? What his name is? What he had for breakfast. And this clown was director…………………….bwahahahahahahahahaahahahahah!!!!



Anonymous ID: 786f13 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:26 p.m. No.4413225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3252


Unfortunately I would be called a lawfag too, but I'm absolutely lost as to how you explained it. I'm not saying you're wrong, just asking if counselor would mind rephrasing the point.

Anonymous ID: 786f13 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.4413438   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hey B, got a kick out of the photo they published where you look lit to the sky on your chewables, and holding all those gifts you had nothing to do with acquiring.


Just curious. Why do you care so much about America when you spent 8 years in office trying your best to destroy it? Scratch that, it would be a rhetorical question but I realize you have a part to play. Keep up the huxtable routine until mooch slides in on 2024. The shape I'm in, at least I won't have to live through it.


Fool me once…………….


(I) won't get fooled again!