Anonymous ID: da901b Dec. 21, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.4413496   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4412577 lb

>It doesn't matter to them if Q is right. What matter to them is that Jews and Israel are getting their ass kicked on this board over and over by people who have done the research


^^This is so important.

It is because of all the proofs we've seen,

that I'm 99% certain that Q is legit

And POTUS isn't on Israel's side.

I'm certain enough that I spend

more than just my free time here,

I'm passing up paid work to do it

and I would take a bullet for POTUS.


However, also because of proofs

which are far more tangible & numerous,

I am 100% sure Jews subverted our nations

and will genocide whites if we don't

oppose their continued group power

and control over our institutions,

the banks especially.


This is why I say "nope" when anyone says,

"Go easy on the JQ, it puts off normies."

Exposing our enemies is still job one,

and we're the only place in the world

that still names the Jew at the dashboard

with facts & reason to back our claims.

Because of my work history,

I have good reason to believe that's exactly

what Q team & POTUS want us to do.

But I still have a small sliver of doubt,

as any natural skeptic/analyst should.

The way to address that doubt

is to keep an alternate path

should the unlikely doubt prove real.


To the extent Q/POTUS are aligned

with the exposing of Jewish subversion,

we are aligned with Q/POTUS.

But we are not a cult, and we won't be psyop'd

away from what we know is true.

If this was a honeypot all along, so be it.

The number of people we're waking

still has us winning the game.


And that, more than anything, is what

proves to me Q/POTUS are legit.

It wouldn't be smart of a pro-Jew MI

to let our JQ redpilling go on this long

just to nab a few dissidents.

But whatever is going on behind the scenes,

however of much of the ultimate plan

of the whitehats and blackhats

we can discern at any stage of the battle,

our job is to put Truth first.

Hat tip to those that do.