Anonymous ID: e00e61 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:09 p.m. No.4412992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3014 >>3057 >>3167 >>3249 >>3281 >>3311 >>3395 >>3564 >>3595


This is dead simple. Justice Roberts has two adopted children. There were some shenanigans getting the adoption paper work done. The threat against him is not actually against him but against his adopted daughters that could be deported which would also devastate his wife and him. So, yes, Obama is blackmailing him with deporting his daughters. Pure Alinsky – can't attack the man so attack his family and a strong family commitment then becomes his achille's heel. Keep in mind how the Obama administration handles deportations. They enforce the law selectively. Illegal immigrant rapists and murders are let loose on the streets but cross them and your adopted children will be deported.This is all documented. I saw an article somewhere some time after the first Obamacare decision that was butchered by Roberts about his adopted children. Do the research. It's there. But it was a back page little blurb that could have been blown up into a national scandal and possibly have removed Roberts from the bench. But nothing came of it. Why? Because they knew they would need it again later. Now apply this to Boehner, McConnell, military leaders, anyone at all that gets in the way. Make them an offer they can't refuse.

Anonymous ID: e00e61 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:10 p.m. No.4413004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3104 >>3272


According to a Time Magazine profile on Roberts from 2005, his children were both born in Ireland, a country the Roberts family has close ties to. Irish Central reports that Roberts often attends Irish dance events in Washington D.C. and his mother-in-law, Kathleen O’Sullican, is from Newtownbarry, Charleville in Ireland.


In a 2005 New York Times profile, the Times notes that the Roberts family has a home in Knocklong, in the county of Limerick.


Although the children were born in Ireland, there is some confusion about where they were adopted from. According to the Underneath Their Robes blog, an Associated Press report claimed that they were “adopted from Latin America.”


The exact circumstances of Roberts’ adoption remain a private matter. The New York Times denied rumors that it was investigating Roberts’ adoptions.

Anonymous ID: e00e61 Dec. 21, 2018, 12:12 p.m. No.4413032   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Does Ireland place children for adoption internationally? If not, then he probably did some finagling to have the children sent to Bolivia so they could adopt them in that country. But that doesn't really make any sense, as he and his wife are not citizens of Bolivia.


A possible scenario: The Roberts wanted to adopt, put out some feelers, found two pregnant women around the same time in Ireland, and it was all arranged privately. I don't think it's common practice to set out to adopt one child and then suddenly have an opportunity to adopt a second almost immediately after. Usually, for the common folk, you have to wait and then go through the process again for the 2nd child.


But the scenario above would enable them to skirt US (?) and Irish law, perhaps.


The fishy thing is who was responsible for the children after they left Ireland and arrived Bolivia? I don't think an adoption agency would be party to whatever occurred here.