Anonymous ID: a548a7 Dec. 21, 2018, 1:05 p.m. No.4413716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3783

>>4413032 (pb)

Roberts illegally adopted Irish children. It is illegal for Irish children to be adopted OUT of Ireland. They were transported to SAmerican where the illegal adoption was completed. He as been blackmailed ever since. This is why he looked so bad on the day of the Obamacare vote. He also voted in favor of another illegal adoption at the behest of the corrupt Nikki Haley on behalf of a wealthy SC couple who illegally adopted a Native American child.

Anonymous ID: a548a7 Dec. 21, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.4413960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Her confirmation hearings could turn up the heat on Roberts if her adoptions develop into an issue..


She will never make the cut–partly because OF her two illegally adopted Haitian kids and her faux right wing asshattery. If she were to be nominated they would fight to confirm her and likely win…which would once again put a "controlled" asset onto the SCOTUS.


Robert's illegal adoptions are not a sekrit…it is simply illegal to adopt Irish children OUT of Ireland. PERIOD. How did he manage to adopt Irish children? The only possible way is illegally. So we don't need Barret at all to deal with Roberts.

Anonymous ID: a548a7 Dec. 21, 2018, 2:01 p.m. No.4414473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>(((SCHUMER))) TO TRUMP: "You will not get your wall!"

>The first 2 minutes are him saying we need to keep fighting for Israel in Syria.


For all the jew lovers on here that have refused to acknowledge there is a fucking JEW problem, do you see it now?


WE were never in Syria for the US…we were there for ISRAEL…to give them the change to snatch back the land….now..let's see who all was supporting this asshattery….anyone care to specultate what BLACKMAIL was used to get Obama on board? NoName? Graham? (((SCHUMER))) (whom I might add Q lied about being scared and under "control" ) has revealed his FIRST LOYALTY is to Israel…


ANYONE care to bet (((WHO))) will blow something up…and likely in the US…for which ISIS will take responsibility….which will then be used to get TRUMP to stay in SYRIAN?


Old tricks are old…fuck off Israel.