Anonymous ID: 12b051 Dec. 21, 2018, 2:08 p.m. No.4414537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4547 >>4727 >>4813

>>4413779 (pb)


>(((SCHUMER))) TO TRUMP: "You will not get your wall!"


>The first 2 minutes are him saying we need to keep fighting for Israel in Syria.


For all the jew lovers on here that have refused to acknowledge there is a fucking JEW problem, do you see it now?


WE were never in Syria for the US…we were there for ISRAEL…to give them the change to snatch back the land….now…let's see who all was supporting this asshattery…anyone care to speculate what BLACKMAIL was used to get Obama on board? NoName? Graham? (((SCHUMER))) (whom I might add Q lied about being scared and under "control" ) has revealed his FIRST LOYALTY is to Israel…


ANYONE care to bet (((WHO))) will blow something up…and likely in the US…for which ISIS will take responsibility….which will then be used to get TRUMP to stay in SYRIAN?


Old tricks are old…fuck off Israel.


Dear President Trump…thank you for making my Ron Paul dreams come true…BRING THEM HOME…let the fucking JEWS fight their own battles. Next….bring them HOME from Germany, Japan, and any place else our lads have been used to further the NWO agenda. Let Germany pay for their own defense….next on Paul Agenda..currency backed by something other than air.


(and Q is still a limited hangout…a pacifier if you will….and…sorry I don't believe the list…Mattis had to go, he's a warhawk….and if anyone knew we were fighting for Israel…he did….so seeya…that which appears to be light…)

Anonymous ID: 12b051 Dec. 21, 2018, 2:34 p.m. No.4414911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4972


KEK which explains why Bibi was whining today "don't leave syria PLEEEASE"

Jew apologists…fuck off. And there were absolutely signs of US soldiers saying they didn't join to fight for ISRAEL…wonder where they went? JIDF?

Anonymous ID: 12b051 Dec. 21, 2018, 2:38 p.m. No.4414957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>I've read that ISIS are changing images on social media to drones and with the timing of Trumps pullout could this be the potential issue?

It is in ISRAEL's (AKA ISIS) interest that we do NOT leave Syria…just wait for it….because it's coming…"something" will happen…horrible…that Israel will point to and say "see we told you so"…


hang in there Trump…don't back down…bring our boys home..let Israel fight their own damn battles…the devil knows we give them enough money to do so on their own. NOT one more American drop of blood for Israel…

Anonymous ID: 12b051 Dec. 21, 2018, 2:47 p.m. No.4415090   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> "You do know Q uses NSA resources and would not post invalid info. Just because it is difficult to find doesn't mean it doesn't exist." which is provably FALSE and also will mislead other anons who haven't done the research.

Agreed…kek..Q posts fake shit all the time…and the cult gobbles it up without Q-uestion..which I suppose is part of the limited hangout plan.


WHY would Q post something so easily disproven? To weed out the critical thinkers versus the cult followers? Me thinks so.