Anonymous ID: f5043e Dec. 21, 2018, 5:35 p.m. No.4417391   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Time to rustle some jimmies!


A Hebrew Christmas Song


You know Levi and Sulzberger and Rueben and Epstein, Goldberg and Bibi and Sanders and Silverstein; But do you recall? The most conniving kike of all?


Shlomo the Hook-Nosed Hebrew

Had a very massive nose

And if you ever met him

You would even say he glows(like a CIA nigger!)

All of the other chosen

Used to scheme and plot with glee;(like a sewer rat!)

They always helped their fellow Hebrew

Trap the goyim with usery!(no credit check)


Then one night at Bilderberg

Soros came to say

Shlomo with your media control

Won't you trick the shiksas into burning coal?


Then how the yids all loved him

As they gripped their shekels tight

Shlomo the Hook-Nosed Hebrew

You'll help us genocide the whites!