<Jake Tapper
>Mattis made it clear he believes in alliances and that Russia and China are threats, what is your reaction?
<Chuck Hagel
>Mattis had no choice but to resign
>Mattis letter was very accurate assessment of what we're dealing with
>Everything POTUS does/says violates Mattis' career princible and values, could no longer stand it
>Mattis no longer had influence over POTUS
<Jake Tapper
>You have seemed skeptical of bipartison consensus of the need to get involved in foreign involvement abroad
>If you were def sec right now would you oppose a withdrawl from Syria?
<Chuck Hagel
>First, we need a Congressional/National debate on the issue re:strategic objective on our role in the Middle East.
>We've been in Afghanistan 17 years, Iraq 15 years…
>What are our goals?
>POTUS' way/timing is disasterous
<Jake Tapper
>When you resigned in 2015, you lamented the lack of clear serious strategy by the Obama Administration (re:Middle East) in an interview.
>It seems like a topic that should be debated, why isn't it?
>Why doesn't Congress want to talk about the authorization of the use of military force?
>Why do they always shirk the responsibility to do so?
<Chuck Hagel
>The authorization of the use of military force go back to 2001 and 2003 resolutions that Congress passed; they're still using those resolutions. They need to be updated!
>What is the strategic objective?
>Where do we want to go?
>Committing to war is the biggest descision Congress/POTUS will make!
>We better be damned sure where it's going, what's the exit strategy?
>I don't think we've paid attention to this WAY enough.
>I asked tough questions during those debates on Iraq and Afghanistan
>One princible question no one seems to ask
>What happens next?
>We didn't get any answers
>We don't have answers now.
>Still have no strategy
>Don't think we have a foreign policy
>We have no strategy or policy in the Middle East
>John Bolton said we should keep troops there until we drive the Iranians out
>Are you kidding me?
>2k troops in NE Syria isn't going to drive Iranian out
>Let's face some tough realities
>Let's find some tough decisions to make before we lose more people and respect
<Jake Tapper
>Frmr Def Sec William Cohen said he does not think POTUS is fit for office.
<Plays clip of interview
>Says POTUS has taken a wrecking ball and systematically demolished what we've established over the last 60-70 years
>Says POTUS unfit
>Do you think POTUS is unfit to be Commander in Chief?
<Chuck Hagel
>That's an interesting question and not relevant because he is POTUS and won the election but no, I don't think he is.
>POTUS doesn't understand government and politics, how things work.
>This isn't a one man show like real estate, it's not entertainment
>You can't govern by dividing and having us in constant conflict
>Bill Cohen was right
>Trump not equipped at any level to be POTUS
Hey anons
Some interesting talking points here. Seems to be a lot of code exchanged
-Cries for help re: a way out/exit strategy
-What to do next?
-What's the plan/strategy?
-POTUS unfit.