Also, I'd do what Trump does.
If I seen a dollar bill on my left, and a lifeline, with any of his children or grandchildren hanging on rope 5,000 feet above rocks, which should I take?
I'd take the dollar and let the rope fall. Why should I care about his human children since he is only going after all the earthly money before saving OUR citizens. As we all get raped, murdered, abused, by the 50+ million illegals, who gives a rats ass about his children?
Time to end the money grab and start to save lives.
I pray he gives all illegals 30 days to turn themselves in and self deport, or legal US citizens hunts them down like wild animals they are! I request bounties on those who don't know how to use soap, and it spread over their bodies….
So, do you support this 30 day hunting party before open season and shoot on site? Just a 30 day period and we'd clean up the filth of these illegals. Since Trump refuses to help our neighborhoods, it time to revolt, as he lives in his billion home, security, so he don't have to see or smell the poor..
FU Trump!