light to dark is masonic fuckery
it's the black and white chessboard displayed all over the place in freemasonry
Truth is, everything contains some dark and light
light to dark is masonic fuckery
it's the black and white chessboard displayed all over the place in freemasonry
Truth is, everything contains some dark and light
Christianity and Islam are both branches of Judaism
you're in for a real shock when I tell you Abraham was from Mathura and worshiped Shiva
and Judaism is a branch of Hinduism
They were Brahmins who left India after the flood
(Hebrew) Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = "Friend of Shiva." (Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = "Great Shiva."
Aristotle mentions its
"The Jews descend from the philosophers of India. The philosophers are called in India Calanians and in Syria Jews. The name of their capital is very difficult to pronounce. It is called 'Jerusalem.'"
"The tribe of Ioud or the Brahmin Abraham, was expelled from or left the Maturea of the kingdom of Oude in India and, settling in Goshen, or the house of the Sun or Heliopolis in Egypt, gave it the name of the place which they had left in India, Maturea." (Anacalypsis; Vol. I, p. 405.)
I tend to think there was a more universal religion on the planet at one time. Or at least people accepted many gods and didn't really care who each person worshiped.
I have my own kinda out there theory that due to it's location south of the Himalayas and north of a warm ocean current people would tend to accumulate there during glacial maximums. Which would explain why so many things seem to originate from there
evil is a strange concept. Just like light/dark. Nothing is wholly one or the other so it's hard to say what evil is
sorry, i'll leave you to your porn
"The Arabian historians contend that Brahma and Abraham, their ancestor, are the same person. The Persians generally called Abraham Ibrahim Zeradust. Cyrus considered the religion of the Jews the same as his own. The Hindoos must have come from Abraham, or the Israelites from Brahmaโฆ" (Anacalypsis; Vol. I, p. 396.)
The Magi are said to have called their religion Kesh-รฎ-Ibrahim.They traced their religious books to Abraham, who was believed to have brought them from heaven.' There are certain striking similarities between the Hindu god Brahma and his consort Saraisvati, and the Jewish Abraham and Sarai, that are more than mere coincidences. Although in all of India there is only one temple dedicated to Brahma, this cult is the third largest Hindu sect.
Agreed. The extremes are bad. But day to day we all do good and evil, unavoidably and unconsciously. If everything was good we would not be able to recognize good
I mean that's horrible.
No I find much less child abuse in Hinduism but they have a strong cultural sense of brahmacharya. I'd assume people started worshiping lesser gods and lost their way
sadly giants would not look like that, you can't just scale up the size of humans. Bio-mechanically it doesn't work
I haveโฆ